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Automatron Robot stop ask !


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I'm looking for a mod who work as a piece to add (or something like that) to an automatron robot, for stopping him to ask If I want him as companion.


I love create robot (specially as settlement's guard) but I'm tired of looking them non stop asking if we can go when I'm near them.


I was thinking about a special module like the M-SAT for disable the abilitie to follow.


Someone could do this ?


Thanks a lot !

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I hear you folks;

you feel like Emperor Palpatine did on that Robot Chicken Sketch


My lord!


My lord!

Storm... trooper

My Lord!

Go f^#K yourself! ...


I like making security droids and an army of Mr Handy's,

though it is VERY annoying in General Atomics Galleria, being attacked by a throng of robots...


do people want the Automatrons,

to never ask the player again?

(ie, speak when spoken to)?


it may be possible to 'block parenthesis" that feature,

and prevent the automatrons from speaking with the Player.

they're still recruitable, though they never trigger that annoying dialogue box.


If you want the automatrons to still speak to the player character,

what frequency do you want them to speak to the player character at?

(i'm talking a fraction per hour of gameplay, not the audio tonal range hehehe).

1:127 equates to 3 or 4 per hour of gameplay, depending on how many automatrons you have made,

where you go in your hour of gameplay, etc.


1: 400 or more, is basically "never" on a per hour basis.


as for having robots say other stuff,

or have voice modules that are customizable items,

there are several long-term mods projects which are looking into that.


As most installs locally and friends boycotted the DLCs,

i don't work on DLC-only content,

though it'll be fun to see where those go.

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