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Fallout 4 with Stranger Things Soundtrack


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Now im playin with stranger things ost. Im using steam music player but a music mod can be better. Because its fitted perfectly. Amazing atmosphere. Fallout 4 locations look like stranger things' upside down world. (Specially glowing sea)


So i recommend to everyone. Give it a try.





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indeed... you ask an awesome question about a mod of ambitious scope,

TLDR: we're working on that.


Long answer - reading follows;

It may be possible to have with internet enabled games,

live-stream objects embedded in the game which would ambiently do that...

livestreaming is like listening to the radio,

and so if it's never held in a third party cache etc,

it would be fine to port that livestream...


get.that.pagedata - read/write to a tmp folder,

and binga-da-bang-ga-da-bongo

you could listen to the livestream as though it was in-game, ambiently!


Why stop there?

you could also live-port .gifs, .movs etc,

you could play stuff from streams in-game as ambient movies etc.

fractals or sequences could be generated, pre-batched or live-streamed...


the initial proof-of-concept mod is

taking OEIS integer sequences which are now displayable as a .midi,

and somehow getting those to live-stream in the game.

It seems to work ambiently in game and function just right.

it's perfect ambient noise for the lower levels of The Institute or BoS Boston Command at

V111 Bunker.

all those beeps and bloops, but you're learning math passively while playing the game!


it is taking quite a long time to test, and also to ensure

the integrity of your system etc.

as third parties might be able to exploit this as a vulnerability,

not least in knowing what music you listen to etc.


in the meantime,

thanks for recommending music for other gamers

to livestream while gaming.

I recommend further discussing that in The Lounge, FO4 General etc, as you'll tend to get more rapid and useful responses

as opposed to mod request and mod talk.


it is perfectly fine to turn the music in-game down,

and listen to livestreamed audio from places such as

apple, spotify, soundcloud, youtube etc...

podcasts, while gaming.

That is a key feature of such pay-per-use services' advertising campaigns.

that is perfectly legal.


hypothetically, why wouldn't having that same livestream in-ambient in-game be lawful?

if it's lawful to be on your machine... why can't it be in the game as livestream,

which is probably going to be then

put under black and white filter or with audio distortions etc?

assuming the livestream source is legit -

people aren't even going to hear the entire duration that way either...

it is going to be burroughs cut up techniques (damaged and old holotapes sound like broken records and skip around;

schools of the wasteland patch them together and try and teach with whatever they have).


This is actually the perfect opportunity to

rapid-prototype with instant access to a market for podcasters, music makers, etc.

You get to sneakily test the music on a captive audience, composed primarily of your envisaged target market.

and quantify how long they stood near which marker etc,

or if they pressed 'repeat'...

it's subliminal 'make your own market' at its finest!


you can data-mine off of your datamining

F.P.O.U. style!


The only thing? -

you technically couldn't

record your gameplay if this livestream throughput port was enabled,

and you definitely couldn't monetize anything to do whatsoever

with that gameplay reliant on a livestream port.

(well... unless the source of the livestream expressly allowed third parties to do so under some agreement)


This has implications for Credits in videogames...

how long are the credits going to be?

are musical credits encoded in the live-stream data,

to then be rendered in the future videogame credits?

is it sufficient to say "Credits: livestream, for more details visit x,y,z url to see which artists played what music under which terms during your gameplay session"?

or, does the game company need to have that livestream encoded data so as it displays the full credits in the game?


As videogames are increasingly a 'living agreement' etc,

the end-credits are going to get longer and longer -

don't even think about the time it would take to read an EULA/ToS of that!

thank goodness, they're skippable!

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