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Sky brightness


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Hey, So I'm using Reshade to create my own post process effects, and I've run into a slight problem. Using Ambient light and HDR Together produces some really nice, full lighting effects, but has the unfortunate side effect of making my sky way to bright. I thought maybe it was my weather mod working in conjunction, COT, but uninstalling it seems to have no effect on the brightness.

I'm not running an ENB, at least not at the moment, so I can't use the enblocal.ini to change it, which seems to be the go to fix that I've been able to find online (Which still doesn't help me, because it tells me to find the [ sky ] header, which is aparently non-existant in the ENB I was previously using).

So my question is is their a way I can turn down just sky brightness, or how much light the clouds reflect? I'm fairly sure thats what is causing the excessive brightness, as it is most notable on clouds, and on clearer days I can see some of the blue sky.

Either INI tweaks, a mod, anything that will let me adjust the brightness without losing AL and ADR would be welcome!



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Bump. I've sense found a work around (sort of), but am still curious if anyone knows anything about this, anything pertaining to adjusting light levels on objects throughout the game world, as the only work around i could find are either to return weather to default using the SW 15E Command, or to just lose HDR all together.

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