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So I've been trying to get Requiem to work for an hour and finally figured out what I needed to do, but now I need to run the Reqtificator. But Java just flashes a screen and immediately closes why does it do that, and how can I fix it?

Edited by Blistering449
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or follow these instructions


First you must go to [skyrim Path]\Data folder and create, if there isn't one, a folder named SkyProc Patchers and inside this folder create another folder named Requiem. This must be done for the Reqtificator to work properly!

In Mod Organizer, select the Data tab in the right-pane and expand "SkyProc Patchers">"Requiem".
Right-click on Reqtificator.jar and select "Add as executable" then click [OK]. The default name is sufficient.
Note that it is now part of the executable drop down next to the [Run] button. Mod Organizer has properly configured it already.
Now Click the [Executables] button at the top of the main Mod Organizer window. The icon looks like a pair of cogs.
Search for Reqtificator executable and in the "Start in:" field click [...] and add [skyrim Path]\Data\SkyProc Patchers\Requiem path you created in at the first step the click "Modify".
Run Reqtificator, Click Other Settings and check all three options as in the image below, then click "Create Patch" and let it work.
When the message appears about A warning about your general load order click "Ignore from now on".
When the message about No actorvariatons.txt found! appears click "Yes, this is a new game"
When patches finishes click OK.


Only if using MO ^^^


Taken from the SRLE reqtified guide



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