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No more i cannot do "mass" actions


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If by looting you are referring to transferring items from one container to another, then SkyUI has a setting which can affect when the slider appears in order to transfer more than one at a time. You may want to check with SkyUI's MCM settings to see if that value has been changed from the default of 6.


Should that not be the case, I have no idea.


I am using it's default settings and it is always 6 (default) and still i haven't solved. Anyway i have started to get used to. Clicking rapidly left button + e is fun :D

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There's one more thing that could cause that. You've got a mod that is changing gold to have weight. The only reason you can normally pick up a stack of gold is that gold is weightless by default. If that's the problem you should still be able to loot whole stacks of arrows without any problem.

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