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Regarding adblockers


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I get that you don't want people to run adblockers and I'm happy to turn mine back off again.

All I ask for in return is that you stop running ads with sound, such as the loud, noisy gambling ad that went off after I'd had the tab open for a few hours. I'm afraid I can't tell you which one, as I instantly killed the offending tab.



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Nexus doesn't choose the ads. They are chosen by an ad company and change constantly. If there is a problem ad, it has to be reported directly or else the staff won't know the problem exists. In the future try to screen shot it.

You can read more about it here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5164845-nexus-mods-and-advertising-how-it-works-and-how-to-report-bad-ads-to-us/&do=findComment&comment=45633105

What we need:
Let us know what anti-malware/adware/virus software you have on your PC and ensure you've run a scan that returns clean before reporting the ad to us.
The date and time you saw this ad.
The URL of the page you were on at the time, e.g. http://www.nexusmods.com/games/?
Your general location - e.g. I live in Exeter, in Devon, in England. If you don't want to give the city you live in, then your state and country will suffice, e.g. Devon, England.
A good description of what is happening that makes you think this is a bad ad. An example might be, "I was browsing the site, but immediately upon loading the page at http://www.nexusmods.com/games/? I was redirected to another website that told me I had a virus on my PC that I had to pay money to remove".
If you get redirected or sent to another site, provide the URL that you are sent to.
A screenshot of the bad ad really, really, REALLY helps us out as well. Please take the time to do a print-screen or use the snipping tool in windows (press the start menu, type "snipping", click "snipping tool") and upload it to your report for us to view. The snipping tool is an extremely simple and intuitive piece of software for taking pictures of what's on your screen.


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