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Battle Archer build?


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So ive been wanting to make a Battle Archer build. Basically a pure warrior that uses bows. Skills would be Archery light armor and alchemy for healing and such with perhaps a little block for the bow bashing.


What are peoples thoughts on such a build? Remember no sneaking for this build.

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I think you should just play how you want to play and let the "build" sort itself out. That is how Skyrim is supposed to work. Less planning, more playing.


I would think you would probably end up with high level archery, mid-level one-handed, no block at all, and despite your best intentions you are going to get a good sneak skill, because nobody in their right mind would avoid getting the sneak bonus when they can use it.

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Well yea. What I meant was no perks in sneak at least not until really high levels where I have a lot of perk options.


Anyway I tried it out a bit. Its not that good during the lower levels but I think once I get the perks it will get much better.

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In the heavy armor tree you have a perk that reduces stagger (did't try it) and heavy armor lets you reach the armor cap quickly.

In the archery tree you have the perk with 50% chance of stagger your target and "quick shot" to fire very fast.


I think you can enchant 5 slots with fortify archery, the rst with fire/shock/frost resistance, and the rest may be healt/health regen.


It would be a "turret" build.

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I am currently working on nearly the same build with an Orc and it's working really well. The only difference is when and enemy gets close i pull out my dagger and sword and finish them off with a dual wielding power attack.


For me I bash them then try to draw before they can react. Its really tricky when your facing multiple enemies.


I am not sure if I have the patience for this build though.


Oh and I forgot to add Smithing to the skills.>.>

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I'm a sneaky battle archer actually. I don't have block, and use dual weilding swords if they come close. However I'm strong enough to handle toe to toe battles. I would suggest however that you get sneak, just enough to get the bow damage bonus early on. Its difficult to be a battle archer early, especially since you will be wearing light armor and decide on going for shields, so you need that huge initial hit early. You can just stop using sneak later in the game.
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