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Another Great modder gone


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I just found out today that another one of my fav modders has gone from the Nexus community and I'm really sad. SparrowPrince has been around a very long time and made some outstanding mods. My favourite was W.A.T.E.R. but he made many useful mods which I thankfully have saved and backed up. I hope he comes back, but if not, THANK YOU SparrowPrince for sharing all your wonderful mods and I hope wherever you are, you are happy and well :)

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I remember seeing someone post his reason for leaving Nexus but I can't remember where or why. For the record, he personally requested to close his account.



Nothing personal between him and us, though he'll always be welcomed by us if he ever feels like coming back.




Additional note, the creator of Sounds of Skyrim decided to retire from modding as well:

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