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Please no more fireballs!


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Ok so I like the idea of mage followers, because they stay back and out of the way. But I can't actually use them because every mage follower i come across, vanilla or modded, has the fireball spell. Aside from being really annoying, you're also screwed if you get attacked in town because your follower just starts indiscriminately blowing everyone to the moon due to the splash damage. Even if I teach them better spells with AFT they still stick to fireball spell, and I can't make them forget a spell that they know originally. Does anyone know a way to stop them from using this spell? I can't believe there isn't a mod for this or am I the only person who has this problem?

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Seeing as I often use mage-like followers, this problem is not unknown to me.


I just remove the fireball spell (and other area-effect spells) from their actor effects list with Tes5Edit. (and optionally replace it with incinerate)

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