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Our mods are being "stolen" and uploaded elsewhere


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Didn't specify permissions in a tab is not an excuse to go ahead and upload a users work at your own will, nor does it make it morally sound. Only in the case it states that permission is allowed should you then feel free to do so. If in doubt I'd be morally obliged to ask. Notice I am throwing the word "moral" around quite a bit.




Note: at one point i was willing to let it slide and told him to "compensate me" (in the form of a donation since that site had a crapload of banners and adds )because they took all my stuff without asking .

yet he calls it "extortion"...lol wtf?? he stole from me and im extorting ??

I support your cause Greek and I understand you must be feeling angry and confused as to what you can actually do to stop this, but this is borderline wrong. I get you didn't mean it like that, but you're fueling the fire here.

You speak of morals, but you forget that this "moral" man was trying to blackmail to extract money from the administration site!!! You think this is moral? and to change requirements for distribution of modifications in hindsight it moral? That is a vile liar and blackmailer!!!

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Didn't specify permissions in a tab is not an excuse to go ahead and upload a users work at your own will, nor does it make it morally sound. Only in the case it states that permission is allowed should you then feel free to do so. If in doubt I'd be morally obliged to ask. Notice I am throwing the word "moral" around quite a bit.




Note: at one point i was willing to let it slide and told him to "compensate me" (in the form of a donation since that site had a crapload of banners and adds )because they took all my stuff without asking .

yet he calls it "extortion"...lol wtf?? he stole from me and im extorting ??

I support your cause Greek and I understand you must be feeling angry and confused as to what you can actually do to stop this, but this is borderline wrong. I get you didn't mean it like that, but you're fueling the fire here.

You speak of morals, but you forget that this "moral" man was trying to blackmail to extract money from the administration site!!! You think this is moral? and to change requirements for distribution of modifications in hindsight it moral? That is a vile liar and blackmailer!!!


Right, because Greek makes a morally ambiguous comment it means that kopasov has express rights to break all moral ground and do what he pleases. Fighting fire with fire isn't working here.

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Please note that Bethesda gives Mod Authors full copyright on their mod, with Bethesda getting a limited license for use if they chose to exercise it. If a mod author states in their permissions section or in the description tab that anyone is free to reupload their mod to another site, then it would not be stealing. However, as Greekrage pointed out, if the mod author does not state either way that others can use their work, then anyone wanting to do so must get their clear permission. Otherwise, per international copyright laws, use of another's copyrighted material without permission is stealing.

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Please note that Bethesda gives Mod Authors full copyright on their mod, with Bethesda getting a limited license for use if they chose to exercise it. If a mod author states in their permissions section or in the description tab that anyone is free to reupload their mod to another site, then it would not be stealing. However, as Greekrage pointed out, if the mod author does not state either way that others can use their work, then anyone wanting to do so must get their clear permission. Otherwise, per international copyright laws, use of another's copyrighted material without permission is stealing.

Please note that international copyright law clearly reglamentary algorithm using content from other authors and requires clear designation of the prohibition of such materials. And in the same law it is specified that what is not forbidden - is allowed. Of no theft here we go can't. In this case, the approval of Greekrage nothing more than the simple extortion attempt!

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Wrong. Copyright is inherent to the copyright owner at the moment of creation. Lack of a statement granting permission is NOT the same as granting permission.

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Wrong. Copyright is inherent to the copyright owner at the moment of creation. Lack of a statement granting permission is NOT the same as granting permission.

Yes, but only if he announced his desire not to give their labor freely! Otherwise, everything else is speculation!

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Wrong again. The law does not allow others to take what does not belong to them just because the owner didn't state that such theft could not be done. That would be like stating that someone can walk into a store and take whatever they want just because there is no sign at the front stating that you can't take things from the store without paying.


The law states that you are not allowed to use copyrighted material without the express permission of the copyright owner. LACK OF PERMISSION IS NOT PERMISSION.

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Wrong again. The law does not allow others to take what does not belong to them just because the owner didn't state that such theft could not be done. That would be like stating that someone can walk into a store and take whatever they want just because there is no sign at the front stating that you can't take things from the store without paying.


The law states that you are not allowed to use copyrighted material without the express permission of the copyright owner. LACK OF PERMISSION IS NOT PERMISSION.

All true, but You deftly silent about the fact that their copyright is still necessary to join, by submitting a request. The fact that someone put his name under a certain title does not mean that he became full owner of valuable rights to it. And Your comparison with shop in this case is not correct - the store is initially created for the SALE of goods here, all content is free and the "resolution" didn't just appear. If the author does not consider it necessary either to specify to him, that he was not against the distribution and use of your content!
In any case we are arguing now is not about that! The problem is that the author tried to extort money from the administration of the site, and when this had not happened just inflated hype because of his laziness, greed and incompetence, trying to present himself as the victim! Everything is quite simple!!!
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