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Remaking Skyrim's BSAs?


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Im running all Skyrim's BSAs from a ramdisk, so space is a concern, and currently i have some mods that weight around 300Mb or so, those get loaded from the HDD, from the Textures, Meshes, etc folders.


To run all that from the ramdisk i'd need to put every mod resource on the ramdisk then do a file symbolic link that points from the HDD's Skyrim data folder to the folders placed in the ramdisk. So both modded files and original files benefit from ramdisk's speed.


That would be an issue cuz those mods are texture and mesh replacers, so, not only i'd have that HQ heavy data in the ramdisk but also the original's skyrim data that the game wouldnt use inside the BSAs. Pretty much, duplicated files.


Now, what i'd really want is, since those mods are mostly texture/meshes replacers, re create Skyrim's BSAs replacing its original files with the new modded ones. So i could put everything on the RAMdisk without storing redundant data there (not counting that storing everything on the BSAs would make easier to set up the ramdisk by limiting the amount/type of links i have to make)


I tried extracting the BSAs with FOMM utility, copying and replacing the files, then remaking the BSA with FOMM's utilty. Game crashes right away, so im guessing imcompatibilities between Skyrim's BSA format and FO's ones.


Also tried BSAopt tool since it seems to support Skyrim but it only looks to be capable of repacking BSAs rather than packing new Skyrim's BSAs from files, or merging existing BSAs with other new files (any of these last two would be enough).


So now i dunno what else to try... Any idea?

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ya, bsaopt is tricky. tried it a coup[le times and got 1 of my songs to work so im blazin 1 and about to go try again since there's hope (i hope XD) tricky tempremental bs. hence the name BSA BullShitArchive. LOL


Does anybody have skills in using making the BSAs AND explaining how? 0o

Edited by DeathVest
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