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Exciting news


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Lol I love how NO MATTER WHAT THREAD IT IS people will always find a way to start controversy about the CK.


Which won't make the CK come any closer, it only serves to give people like me, who patiently await it instead of coming up with conspiracy theories, a throbbing headache.

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Lol I love how NO MATTER WHAT THREAD IT IS people will always find a way to start controversy about the CK.


Which won't make the CK come any closer, it only serves to give people like me, who patiently await it instead of coming up with conspiracy theories, a throbbing headache.

Amen. Time for some PKs.

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I think this is terrific news. They stated they would release the CK in January way back in 1 December, and everyone knows a million things could have happened to delay that, between now and 7 weeks ago. Now, with this statement, I find it hard to doubt that it actually will be out within 2 weeks. Sure, something may still delay it, but this statement shows things are going according to plan, more or less.


And no, it's not about entitlement to actually expect to get something, that the developers countless times, for more than a year, have stated would be made available; and that has been made available with the previous titles in the games' series. This is called reasonable expectation. Only someone who doesn't believe a word Bethesda says, would see the release as a sort of boon.

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I think this is terrific news. They stated they would release the CK in January way back in 1 December, and everyone knows a million things could have happened to delay that, between now and 7 weeks ago. Now, with this statement, I find it hard to doubt that it actually will be out within 2 weeks. Sure, something may still delay it, but this statement shows things are going according to plan, more or less.


And no, it's not about entitlement to actually expect to get something, that the developers countless times, for more than a year, have stated would be made available; and that has been made available with the previous titles in the games' series. This is called reasonable expectation. Only someone who doesn't believe a word Bethesda says, would see the release as a sort of boon.

Kudos to you for realizing why it is "exciting news" and not being pessimistic about it.

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It's true. Game producers are under no obligation to release any game editing utilities or source codes whatsoever and thus such never happens for most games. This is why I say the OMG! IT'S BEEN A MONTH! complaints are examples of entitlement issues. We should be patient and thankful that Bethesda does indeed release such tools for their games.

I just want to point out that there is a difference between impatiences and disrespect. I am rather annoyed and disappointed that it's taking a long time for them to release the SDK. However out of respect, I choose to force myself to patiently await the release(I'm not a patient person, much to my dismay).

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The point is, they don't HAVE to release the CK (development tools). Most game studios don't. When you paid for Skyrim, you paid for the game, not the accessories. I think the whiners need to cut it out now. I noticed all the idiots complaining have registration dates within the past year. You weren't around when Oblivion or Morrowind launched, it was much the same thing. Get over yourselves and try playing through the game at least once before you start picking it apart and changing things.

No, it wasn't the same thing at all. The Morrowind CS disk shipped with the game while the Oblivion version was available for download at time of release. I still have my original boxed copy of Morrowind from 2003 (UPC093155116306) and the CS disc is included. For Morrowind there was no download, no waiting. The way it should be.

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