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Help me please! LOOT deleted all of my Metatags that I had set


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So everyone here knows what loot is I take it. I had set rules in loot called meta tags that I want a plugin to load AFTER another plugin. That's what a metatag does. It had been working 100% flawlessly for many months, until today when I sorted my load order with loot I noticed that ALL of my meta tags where deleted for some reason! How could this happen? It worked yesterday and today when I tried sorting my load order my meta tags were deleted.


I don't know WHAT could have caused this... My biggest fear is that I will have to go over all of my mods and redo every single meta tag. I have over 300 mods and I really don't want to have to do it so if anyone here knows how to fix this please, please tell me!


Thanks for reading!

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