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Forcing BOSS to sort a particular version of game


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I have two copies of Oblivion on my computer. The GOTY version I got and the Steam version that came with the Collectors Edition. I have my mods and OBMM set up for the old version (All I don't get is Battlehorn Castle, not too chuffed about that.) but BOSS wants to point towards the Steam version, not the older one. Do I have to now move everything to the Steam version and uninstall the old version to get my mods to sort, or is there a way to force BOSS to sort the old game? Note, I did try to install BOSS in just the Oblivion directory, and it decided to go sort the Steam version instead.

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Do you need the Steam version for anything specific?


For example I myself initially bought a disc version of Oblivion that did not have the small DLC like Battlehorn Castle. Then I also bought the Steam GOTY Deluxe version with all the small DLC, downloaded it, copied the small DLC to the disc version and removed the Steam version. The small DLC are just mods, basically, so you can take them from the Steam version and install into the disc version just like you would install any mod.


But then again, the Steam version is not that bad, either. I use it myself at the moment. Steam overlay caused some issues from time to time (popping up because of some hotkeys) but I now keep it disabled.


Hopefully that helps a bit, if it makes sense. :thumbsup:

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I do not think the Steam version is better in any way, it is probably just the same thing but with Steam.


I had a quick look at the source code on Github. Are you sure you have BOSS in your disc version folder? For example "...\Oblivion-The-Disc-Version-Directory\BOSS\" or somesuch, and that you are running it from there? If you have a shortcut pointing at BOSS that is located in the Steam version's directory then it will probably sort the Steam version. So it looks like you need to have BOSS in your disc version directory, in a subdirectory that is located on the same level as the Data folder, and run it from there.


I have never used BOSS myself so I cannot really be of any help with it more than that. Sorry. :blush:

Edited by Contrathetix
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