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Companions keep wearing what you give them


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I've got an idea for a mod, don't know if it's feasible though. I'd love if companion kept wearing what ever armor set you gave them when they left your service. I'm the freaking Dovakiin, if I want my Housecarls to wear Dragonplate armor that I crafted, then they should always wear it. Not only that but other companions too, logically they would wear whatever is better all the time. If you got an awesome gift from the Thane of Whiterun, you'd not only keep it, but wear it proudly.
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Something like this would be SUCH a good thing. As it is... I've gotten so annoyed with companions in general:


* Won't wear what I want them to... can't force them to... they wear WORSE items...

* Won't wield the right weapons... they prefer weak bows over enchanted ones, etc.

* If you tell them to hit the road and later bring them back... no guarantee they'll keep what you gave 'em, so... I rarely even CARE about giving them anything good

* They get in my way & end up fried in a giant inferno of doom since they run into LOS and my line of fire...

* They prevent ~ME~ from getting "experience" in skills, since... if they kill 50% of what I meet... that's 50% LESS leveling up combatative skills & magic for me

* They get lost

* They get stuck on floor traps (God... Lydia... you... EEEEEEDIOT!!!! lol)

* They block me inside of rooms... once is fine, but after 50+ times, it becomes SO irritating! Even with "move outta my way" patches

* "I am sworn to ca... *SHHHHAAADDUP GAWL DANNGIT!!!!*" ... lol, even having removed that line--they are irritating...

* Sometimes they prevent or inhibit actor paths for quests---and thus, BREAK them... :/

* Having them act as a "pack mule" is silly. I'd prefer to just "add 1000" to my own carry weight and be DONE with that entire "Oh GAAAWDD, I have to sort through my endless inventory again" stuff


...but... uh, yeah--I'm de-railing. Sorry--companions irritate me... and it's the last bloody straw when they WON'T WEAR DRAGONPLATE over... Draugr Armor??!? wth... ????!!!

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