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CTD Upon Launch


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Hello everyone, I recently went though and updated (as well as picked up a few) my mods. Last time I played FONV, there was no such thing as the Nexus Mod Manager, and I strictly used FOMM. Since Skyrim, I have gotten accustomed to using the NMM, so decided to go through re-updating that way.


Long story short, Updated, BOSS'd, Crash.


Here's my BOSS log:





Copyright 2009-2012 BOSS Development Team

License: GNU General Public License v3.0


v1.9.1 (1 January 2012)









Your masterlist is already at the latest revision (r3666; Jan 1, 2012). No update necessary.

Recognised plugins:


Warning messages:


Unrecognised plugins:


Error messages:


Ghosted plugins:


Total number of messages:


Total number of plugins:




Plugins sorted by user rules are counted as recognised plugins.



Script Extender And Script Extender Plugins





NVSE Version:






Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins








* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Deflst}}




















* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev}}

* Note: Loaded early to let other mods override spawn points if needed.



FOOK - New Vegas.esm

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Graphics, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats, Scripts}}



FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm

* Requires: DeadMoney.esm and HonestHearts.esm




* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Invent, Deflst}}




* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Relev}}

* Incompatible with: monsterrach.esp



More Perks.esm


More Perks for Dead Money.esm

* Requires: DeadMoney.esm and More Perks.esm



More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm

* Requires: HonestHearts.esm and More Perks.esm



More Perks for Old World Blues.esm

* Requires: OldWorldBlues.esm and More Perks.esm



More Traits.esm


Primary Needs HUD.esm


Project Nevada - Core.esm

* Requires: New Vegas Script Extender



Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Invent}}

* Requires: New Vegas Script Extender and Project Nevada - Core.esm



Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Names}}



ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm


ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm


nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esm


The Mod Configuration Menu.esp




UHNV-Dead Money.esp

* Requires: UHNV.esp and DeadMoney.esm



UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp

* Requires: UHNV.esp and HonestHearts.esm




* Requires: UHNV.esp and OldWorldBlues.esm



UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp

* Requires: UHNV.esp and LonesomeRoad.esm




* Requires: UHNV.esp and Bobblehunt.esp




* Requires: UHNV.esp and CHEMS.esm



UHNV-More Mannequins.esp

* Requires: UHNV.esp



UHNV-Brighter Lighting.esp

* Requires: UHNV.esp

* Incompatible with: UHNV-IncreasedLighting.esp



FOOK - New Vegas.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Graphics, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats, Scripts}}



FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp

* Requires: DeadMoney.esm and HonestHearts.esm





Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

* Requires: Project Nevada - Core.esm



Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

* Requires: DeadMoney.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esm

* Incompatible with: Project Nevada - Dead Money + Honest Heart Patch.esp and Project Nevada - Dead Money SF + Honest Hearts Patch.esp



Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

* Requires: HonestHearts.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esm

* Incompatible with: Project Nevada - Dead Money + Honest Heart Patch.esp and Project Nevada - Dead Money SF + Honest Hearts Patch.esp



Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp

* Requires: OldWorldBlues.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esm

* Note: Choose only one of Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp and Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp, not both



More Perks Update.esp


More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp

* Requires: More Perks.esm, DeadMoney.esm, and More Perks for Dead Money.esm



More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp

* Requires: More Perks.esm, HonestHearts.esm, and More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm



More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp

* Requires: More Perks.esm, OldWorldBlues.esm and More Perks for Old World Blues.esm



More Traits Update.esp









* Requires: DeadMoney.esm




* Requires: HonestHearts.esm




* Requires: OldWorldBlues.esm




* Requires: LonesomeRoad.esm




* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Graphics}}



Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

* Requires: Project Nevada - Core.esm



Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

* Requires: Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

* Incompatible with: WeaponModsExpanded.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Graphics, Names, Stats, WeaponMods}}



WME - FOOK.esp

* Requires: Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Delev, Graphics, Names, Sound, Stats}}



Project Nevada - WME.esp

* Bash Tag suggestion(s):{{BASH: Graphics, Invent, Names, WeaponMods}}




* Requires: DeadMoney.esm, HonestHearts.esm, FOOK - New Vegas.esm, FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm, Weapon Mod Expansion.esm, WME - Dead Money.esm, and WME - Honest Hearts.esm




* Incompatible with: Will conflict with any other mod that changes weather, image space, and image space modifiers.






* Note: Recommended for use with Fellout.esp



ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

* Incompatible with: ELECTRO-CITY - Emittance.esp



nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esp


nVamp - VVV - Dead Money.esp


nVamp - Effects Override.esp




Unrecognised Plugins





Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.


Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp


Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp


The Weapon Mod Menu.esp


VVV-Nvamp Hardcore Overried.esp




Execution Complete





If someone could help me out, that would be great. Not sure really what I did wrong, as I grabbed the compatibility patches I seen between the bigger mods.

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Added and ran uHud (unified hud, correct?), downloaded and ran FNVEdit, came across a few errors. Underground Hideout New Vegas' "bobblehunt.esp", "Chems.esp", as well as (after unchecking the .esp's and rerunning FNVEdit each time) "WME - DLCs.esm" each receive the same error. "EOSError: System Error. Code: 2. The system cannot find the file specified."


Not exactly sure what that means, as they should all be in the default directory NMM installs them to.

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When FNVEdit give a missing file error, look above it in the messages. It will show:

Background Loader: loading "Some Plugin.esp"...                               <-- This is the plugin the game is loading when it crashes.
Background Loader: [some Plugin.esp] Loading file
Background Loader: [some Plugin.esp] File loaded
Background Loader: [some Plugin.esp] Start processing
Background Loader: [some Plugin.esp] Adding master "FalloutNV.esm"            <-- This is a master already loaded previously.
Background Loader: [some Plugin.esp] Adding master "A Required Master.esm"    <-- This is a master required by our plugin. In this demonstration, it is missing.
Background Loader: [A Required Master.esm] Loading file                       <-- The master file has not been loaded, so FNVEdit tries to load it.
Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.                   <-- The error message is split over two lines, saying that the file cannot be found.
The system cannot find the file specified>
Background Loader: finished


In this instance, "Some Plugin.esp" requires that "A Required Master.esm" is loaded before it, but does not exist. If it did exist and just needed to be loaded before our plugin, the error message would state that the plugin requires the master to be loaded first. By looking to see what file FNVEdit is loading before it throws an error, you can determine what file requirements you are missing.


FNVEdit stops loading when it throws a fatal error, so the problem will always involve the last one it attempts to load.




Edit: Looking over your BOSS report, it looks like you are indeed missing WME - DLCs.esm for the WME-FOOK DLCs patch.


jonnyeah gives some good, detailed instructions for installing WME with FOOK in this post: (from the WME comments thread)


Make sure you have the current versions of all mods involved, as the WME DLC plugins have been merged into one file.

Edited by luthienanarion
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I think I understand what you mean. Going through and correcting/adding the mods that some of these require to run. Kind of stupid if you ask me. "nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esm" requires some "EZ_CompanionNVSE.esm" mod to run? I don't even like using companions, so why would I think of getting it?


Also, the only reason I added the nVamp package was because VVV was missing an nVamp esm file, I'm assuming some kind of compatibility, so I downloaded nVamp as well as the optional VVV files. (Which, again, is stupid since they're both made by the same author, and as far as I can tell, nVamp is yet another "patch" mod that tries to get multiple mods to work together seamlessly.)


Thank you for your help though, I'm sorry if I seem a little aggravated. I just don't remember any of my modding ever being this complex. Even when it was all "Do it yourself" with no "mod manager" back in the Morrowind days.



EDIT: Came across another issuse.



[00:04] Background Loader: loading "nVamp - Core.esp"...

[00:04] Background Loader: [nVamp - Core.esp] Loading file

[00:04] Background Loader: [nVamp - Core.esp] File loaded

[00:04] Background Loader: [nVamp - Core.esp] Start processing

[00:04] Background Loader: [nVamp - Core.esp] Adding master "FalloutNV.esm"

[00:04] Background Loader: [nVamp - Core.esp] Adding master "Machienzo - NPC Cosmetic Fixes - Ver 1.55.esm"

[00:04] Background Loader: [Machienzo - NPC Cosmetic Fixes - Ver 1.55.esm] Loading file

[00:04] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.

The system cannot find the file specified>

[00:05] Background Loader: finished




nVamp Core requires some NPC Cosmetic Fix file. I google search it, and come up with this. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39325


Apparently Machienzo updated his NPC Cosmetic Fixes into a new esm, "NVCE Main.esm". I'm assuming I can't use nVamp Core without the old esm, so I'm pretty confused on the situation.


Any additional help would be much appreciated.

Edited by Domas
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The best advice I can give about nVamp is not to use it. It was designed for very out-dated versions of the major mods it incorporates, and even the game itself has been updated twice since it was released.


The VVV page has a link to djmystro's "VVV Lite" version that removes the requirement for nVamp in the "mirrors" tab (the far right icon that looks like a triangle in the new nexus design). I haven't tested it, but it might be worth a try.


If you just want more (and tougher) creatures, you might opt for dogtown1's Monster Mod instead. It's actively updated and well-supported.

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Ahh, I didn't even realize VVV was outdated. That was the monster mod to go with last time I played, so I actually had to update my version when I came back just a few days ago.


Thanks so much, works perfectly now that I got rid of VVV and nVamp. :)

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