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Yet another greatness of being a vampire


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Is that worth not being able to approach a human NPC unless you've fed? Because people go hostile around a stage 4 vampire.

Not only that, but it's very irritating that nothing regenerates in the sun. No mana, stamina, or health.


How in the world is that irritating? IMO you should instantly burst into flames and then turn into a pile of ash when you're out in the sun. Not sparkle like you're some pedo twilight vampire

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Well, I really just wanted to point out a curious and "hidden" effect of vampirism: with necromage, all potions, enchantments and all spells that a vampire casts on self become 25% more powerful - which is rather cool.


And vampires are in no way underpowered in skyrim. Even without the effect above, Sanguinare Vampiris is a valuable prize for anyone who prefers illusion, sneaking and can enjoy an altered gameplay.

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I like how Elder Scrolls pretty much poops on vampires. They're not romantic or sexy, they're disgusting monsters that spread through a disease and it's a curse to be one.


Lol i find your statement to be pretty funny because originaly, thats exactly what vampires were. They weren't seen as people who could actualy co-exist with humans, They were seen as bloodthirsty demons without souls and without any kind of emotions towards humans. They were known to eihter kill or turn their victims and nothing else and they could certainly not feed off of blood bags from the hospital.


It pretty much all changed after Buffy the vampire slayer TV show where Buffy fell in love with Angel, a vampire with a soul and where romance with vampires actualy became possible. Then the Angel TV show , then the Blade 1,2,3 movies, then Underworld and Twilight and now the Vampire Diaries and True Blood .


All those TV shows and movies have definatly changed the way we see vampires now . I guess producers found that people and ESPECIALY girls simply love the idea of romance with vampires and find it somewhat sexy and exotic i guess. And also the fact that Vampires are pretty much always being played by sexy actors and actresses is definatly helping .


People simply Love vampires now instead of fearing them like they used to . I cannot deny that i actualy enjoyed all those movies and TV series but vampires are simply not what they used to be 20 years ago. I'm 29 years old now and trust me , when i was a kid, if i was watching a movie that involved vampires, the dreams that i was having the following night were not of that super hot and sexy female vampire, i was having nightmares.


If vampires realy did exist and decided to come out of the shadows today, in 2012, people would simply go crazy and throw themselves at them and they would probably run the streets at night with huge signs saying "WE LOVE VAMPIRES" or " TAKE MY BLOOD" lol .

This is seriously ridiculous in my opinion and i just know i'm not very far from the truth. Now again , if vampires were real and had decided to come out 20 years ago, people would've equipped themselves with wooden stakes , wooden crosses, Garlic, holy water and would've never gone outside their house at night and that is a fact.


So basicly, the way i see your comment is that you're actualy complaining about the fact that Vampires in Skyrim are not the same as they are in Twilight which are in my opinion, the cheesiest vampires ever. Twilight and The Vampire Diaries are Chick Flicks. I did watch them and enjoyed them for what they were but Romantic vampires are only a way to make lots of money without investing too much in special effects , nothing more .


We need a good documentary on real life vampiric cults.

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I played as a vampire for a good while. It's easy to stay stage 1. Just bring a follower along where ever you go. The only thing I didn't like was how the skin tone looked like somebody beat the crap out of my character. But yeah, the vampire lore is almost completely gone from the Elder Scrolls. Garlic does nothing. The sun doesn't make them explode into ash, Basically at stage 1, it's just a bit uncomfortable. Wooden stakes? They're not even in the game!


I bet silver doesn't actually do anything to Werewolves. I'm just glad there aren't any Werebears, that would be stretching it.

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Silver doesn't do anything to werewolves, which is ironic since the Silver Hand are the only NPCs that carry silver weapons in Skyrim.


The "lore" of vasmpires has in fact been diminished in recent times. This is simply because of a very sucessful vampire hunter named Movarth Piquine who killed off virtually all vampires before he was himself turned.




Even in Oblivion, Vicente Valtieri was the only vampire allergic to garlic. It is not a necessary part of the lore.

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I must say, the necromage perk thing is incredibly interesting. Haven't extensively played as a vampire yet, but that's sure to be worth remembering, should I ever try a vampire (which I might quite soon!)


Also, a big lol to any of you silly people complaining about losing regenerative abilities in sunlight. Do you guys know what vampires are, and what they do? Heck, of the thousands of hours I spent on Oblivion, I spent so many with a vampire character (both the slightly silly vanilla concept and various mods) that once I cured myself I had to actively remind myself that sunlight wasn't dangerous any more. And let me remind you, here we aren't talking about stunted regeneration, here we're talking about bloody dying if you go outside as a vampire. If you're a vampire, stay inside during the day! Raid a dungeon or something while waiting for nightfall! Or why not train alchemy and enchanting, for instance. There's plenty to keep you entertained indoors while the sun is out, and there should be, because if you're a vampire, you shouldn't be outside. Honestly, where the hell do you people get this idea?


http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif Starting to think that perhaps, just perhaps, the faults of the game lie not entirely with Bethesda, but with certain... others as well.

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We need a good documentary on real life vampiric cults.


I've heard about those and read about it a little bit too. Those people are simply Lunatics . I guess that in the real world, they are the closest thing that we have to real Vampires but just try and look at the big picture here. They are humans , they have no supernatural abilities nor weaknesses. They are simply people who are sooooo fanatic of vampires and are soooooo desperate to actualy become one that they start drinking blood and performing weird rituals and they get Soooooo into it that they actualy become addicted to blood and crave it like real vampires would.


They are nothing more than Blood Junkies . They are simply people who took RolePlaying to the next level. But then, whats the best part of being a vampire ? Being Immortal, being a lot stronger than any human, running a lot faster than any human , and depending on how we see vampires, in some cases they have the ability to Mind Control you. SO those are the aspects of Vampirism that i would consider worthy of becoming one. Now those stupid Vampiric Cults, are actualy so desperate that they will go with the ONLY thing they can do in order to try and feel like a vampire , which is to drink blood. This is so lame because the Blood drinking part of being a Vampire is actualy one of the down sides lol. And since those people do become addicted to it, they now feel the hunger that a vampire would feel if they were real but without all the benifits that actualy come with it . Hahaha !!!!


But of course that's my own opinion on the matter, based on what i've read and heard.


From what i've heard , those Lunatics don't kill or attack people yet , they actualy keep their activities between themselves and share their own blood with the others in the group. I've never heard about people being attacked by crazy people who bit them on the neck and stuff so as long as those weirdos keep their insanity to themselves, they don't bother me . And as long as nobody gets killed i think the whole thing is simply funny. Disgusting yes but still funny. A bunch of losers who get together to drink blood, pretending to be vampires lol. It is no different than a 9 years old kid pretending to be a Jedi running around in his backyard with a plastic replica of a lightsaber.

Edited by Krawll
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While i understand what everyone is saying about vamps, i would like to point out that vampire lore seems to get updated/altered every so often. Take for example Bram Stoker's Dracula. There are some things that we now think of as integral to the vampire myth, that before his story never existed. If i remember correctly, he introduced the concepts of silver/garlic allergies. Bethesda even introduced their own lore, with vampires being the product of Molag Bal. It would be nice to see an expansion focusing on them, like the werewolves in Blood Moon...


Go ahead and say it, "Astonishing theory, professor!"

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Mmods come in for vampirism in Skyrim, as they ruined vampirism. IMO, you should die to garlic, wood stakes should be in the game to hurt you 10x the normal damage, so forth. Lore of Vampires is ruined forever.



The real problem is that Any movie producers or Game makers who want to include vampires in their movies or games simply create their own version of it .


In the TV show ( Supernatural) , vampires aren't affected by anything and the only way to kill them is to chop their head off.

In the movie ( Twilight) they shine in the sun , how cute is that lol . and when they die they don't turn to dust, they break like ice.

In the TV show ( The vampire Diaries) they are pretty close to the real thing but they have something that they call an Emotion switch to turn their emotions on and off . LOL. How convenient is that ?? And of course they tend to fall in love with human girls.Oh and i forgot to mention that they have Hybrids in that show as well . And werewolf bites are fatal to vampires but of course they can be cured by drinking the blood of an Hybrid .

In Underworld ( Movie) Vampires tend to use guns a bit too much for my taste and they pretty much started the whole Hybrid thing, other than that i don't have much to complain about .


So anyways yeah i agree with you SubjectProphet. Vampire Lore is pretty much ruined, it's whatever producers want it to be . Or should i say it is whatever MONEY wants it to be .


Producers would rather please millions of girls by making vampires fall in love rather than please a few geeks like us who care more about lore.


When it comes to Skyrim though, at least vampires are Evil and are feared . Even though the sun doesn't kill them and Wooden Stakes are no where to be found, at least they are still creatures of the night who crave blood and who couldn't care less about romance.

Edited by Krawll
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