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need help with vertice weights


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Currently attempting to import a new armor following this tutorial: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3746 but my vertice weights are all screwed up. the paint weights tool does jack s***, watched about 100 tutorials and when they paint the vertice weights its a smooth transition between red to blue and they dont say what settings to use. I fix the shoulder put it in the game and the left leg has vertices weighted to the right. Never touched the legs so I have no idea why or how that happens. Everytime I fix one thing another gets broken, Cannot make smooth transitions between parts the whole thing is driving me insane.


Can I please get someone to look at the armor files? fix the weights and explain what settings were used and how?


In Max:



In Nifskope and in the game for the first time:



Link to the files:


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Nobody is willing to help? well f*** you people then.


:facepalm: You didn't even wait four hours before declaring anathema on all the potentially helpful modelers that haven't yet responded? I don't know where you are, but in the US a large portion of the population isn't even off work yet, much less sitting down at the computer to help other people with their problems.You should try to exercise more patience next time... dunno if anyone is kind enough to help you in this particular thread.

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Don't skin from scratch. What a waste of time; you'll never get it to work.


Use the Skin Wrap modifier with Face Deformation and Weight All Vertices. Copy the skin from another mesh (which takes about 5 seconds), and you'll instantly have 1000x better skin on your armor than whatever 'attempts' you've made with that mesh up above.

Edited by FavoredSoul
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Don't skin from scratch. What a waste of time; you'll never get it to work.


Use the Skin Wrap modifier with Face Deformation and Weight All Vertices. Copy the skin from another mesh (which takes about 5 seconds), and you'll instantly have 1000x better skin on your armor than whatever 'attempts' you've made with that mesh up above.


That's All I had to do instead of 6 hours of fighting with a broken painter tool? Thank you for helping and sorry I got shitty, hours of working with a broken tool then overnight no reply to my request...


Anyway Kudo's given for the quick and simple fix/help given.

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