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Who's Your Favorite Skyrim Character?


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My very favorite has to be Cicero. The voice acting was so amazing and matched the character so well. Seriously, the first thing I thought when I heard him and really payed attention was, "Man, I love his voice acting/actor." And I just love Cicero's character and the crazy things he says (example below). I have a lot of love for crazy characters.


I also just started the Thieves Guild last night (sent Cicero home so as not to mess with my sneaking) and so far, I am loving Bryjolf's voice. I love how he says "lass". (Yes, I have a weakness for accents *drool*.)


Oh, and can't forget the two brothers from the Companions, Farkas and Vilkas. They are starting to grow on me.



Example that I mentioned above (play it on repeat/loop):


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1.Paarthurnax ftw.


3.The Dragonborn. (Duh.)


5.Odahviing "Don't test my oath to the dragonborn"

6.Mjoll the Lioness. She still can't light a candle to the FNV companions, but she has a personality, at least.

7.Ulfric Stormcloak. His speeches are epic, and it's good to have someone who can also shout.

8.General Tullius. he just sounds like a tired man doing his job. You have to respect him for that. (good personality, too.)

9. I'm no DB, but Cicero. He and Sheogorath would get along swimmingly

10.Ralof, although they could have made him a much deeper character.


I also like Galmar Stone-Fist, he wears a bear on his head. (he can't begin to rack up my number of imperial kills, though.)

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Angeir, My personal choice of a Mentor, Wise, and I agree with his view of the Obnoxious Douchebags known as "Blades".

Paarthurnax, he is Wise, he is Experienced, he has overcome his "Inate Evil" that all dragons are driven by.

Mjoll the Lioness, because she is cheerfull and talks about past Adventures, my kind of Companion :3

Farkas, he may not have the brains, but he has the Sincerity and Brawns of a wholehearted Viking :D

Kaliah, getting to know the truth and bringing her back to the Brotherhood gave her a lot of character.

Kodlak, I may not have known him for long, but he still reminded me of someone from "Lord of the Rings", and he was a Wise and Thoughtful ol' Leader.

Odahviing, Who doesn't want absolute Freedom? and I indeed grew abit jealous of the Dovah's when he mentioned the Freedom of Flight.

Edited by Zuser
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Ulfric: despite the incessant character assassination he was actually a good man. Furthermore he respected your character and was rather fun esp with the cool nicknames.

Vilkas: total bro, my Girlfriend even married him in her play through.

Niranye: She's fun.

Mjoll: the consummate Lawful Good adventurer.

Balgruuf the Greater. Best and dare I say only good jarl in the game.


However I would like to once again vent my frustration on the cardboard cutoutness of the NPC's in Skyrim. I feel that the metaplot of the game is great and the setting fantastic but the people that populate it empty. For instance Ulfric has a fantastic background and is a very interesting character. He was an abandoned son who became a war hero in a loosing cause, he was captured, tortured and tricked into believing himself instrumental in loosing a battle that resulted in not only the destruction of his nation but also the crushing of his religion. a man of action he fought back against these outrages by rebelling against the same empire he loved viewing it as a now cancerous abomination that throttles and blasphemes god. yet there is almost no free dialogue with this.


Wouldn't it have been great to have been able to convince him to assist the dark elves in exchange for assistance in the war, get him to join the greybeards (kings becoming monks has a long history) get him to purge non nords ect ect. there was a lot of potential here and NON of it was realised. very sad.

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