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[LE] Crossed Weapons & Shield Combo on a Wall Plaque?

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I've seen plenty of simple plaque (or rack) 1 weapon display tutorials, but none with the crossed weapons and shield combo on a wall plaque. I've looked everywhere and I cannot find a proper tutorial or decent explanation on how to set this up.


Would anyone be kind enough to give a simple tutorial on how to accomplish this? Much appreciated to any takers. Moreover, it would probably make a fine addition to the pinned tutorial thread. ;)

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If nobody else responds, I'll get back on this.


It's not a five minute job because you need six parts for the rack itself and they all have to be linked together and appropriate keywords need to be used at each stage.


After that, you need to position your chosen weapons and shields in front of the assembly and link them to the activators.

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You are looking for shield racks. There are two types, both use the same components and they appear to be set up the same. They look the same and have the same scripts attached. If there's a difference I don't know what it is but I've not used the player house versions.


The pic below shows the components that you'll be using. This is taken in my current mod in CK. Obviously the choice of weapons and shield is up to you.


The weapon rack itself is comprised of a left half, a right half and a centre, which is the little circle in the middle. The three white shapes in front are the activators. I've shown them pulled forward from the rack and separated so that you can see the other bits better. When you finally position them in the game, they will be neatly snapped together and just covering the weapon rack. The swords and shield I position in front of the activators just to be tidy but I don't think their position matters.


Here are the components...









For the player home version just add 'PlayerHouse' to the end of each of the IDs, eg WeaponRackCOAMidPlayerHouse.


Have your angle and grid snaps on. I use grid snap 4 and angle snap 15 for weapon racks.


Drag a left weapon rack into the render window and position it so that you are happy, similar to the photo. drag the right weapon rack in and snap it neatly against its other half. position the mid circle so that it sits nicely in the centre of the main rack and flush with it.


Next move your activator parts in as in the photo. Don't line them up with the rack just yet.


Now we set up the racks and activators so that they work in game.


Double click on WeaponRackCOALeft to bring up the dialog box (or right click on it and select 'edit').

Navigate to the 'linked ref' tab. Double click anywhere in the table (with headings 'keyword' and 'reference'). A new dialog box appears.

Click on the option 'select reference in render window'. You'll be returned to the render window with a red crosshair visible. Move the crosshair over the WeaponRackCOALeftACTIVATOR. when the crosshair turns white, double click.

You'll now go back to the previous message box. You should see the activator that you selected is now shown as the reference.

Before you close this box use the arrow to open the keyword pulldown menu and search down for the keyword 'WRackActivator'. Select this and okay the message box.


Now that you've linked the left rack to its activator, you need to link the activator to the rack. The procedure is almost the same as above.


Open up the dialog box for the WeaponRackCOALeftACTIVATOR as you did for the rack part.

Navigate to the 'linked ref' tab again and double click in the table.

From the new dialog box choose 'select reference in render window' and this time pick the rack component (WeaponRackCOALeft).

This time we need a different keyword. Choose 'WRackTrigger'. Okay the message box.


Repeat the two stages above for the other two pairs of the system, so link WeaponRackCOAMid with WeaponRackCOAMidACTIVATOR and WeaponRackCOARight with WeaponRackCOARightACTIVATOR.


You're almost done with the rack!


Move the activators back so that they are flush with the wall and just cover the rack. They should snap together nicely.


Your weapons and shield are easy.


Mine sit just in front of the activators when they are positioned properly. Simply select the left activator and edit it, again going to the 'linked ref' tab. double click in the table and this time select the left hand weapon as the linked reference. There's no need for a keyword here, so once you see the weapon listed as a reference along with the one for the rack that you put in earlier, okay the dialog box. The sword will now be attached to the left hand side of the rack in-game.


Repeat the last step to link the right activator to the right hand weapon and the mid activator to the shield.


Job done!


I hope that's clear!?


If not, ask and I'll try again.





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