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which graphic card to buy


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so i am planning to buy a graphic card for skyrim modding (most likely gtx 1070) but I want to know if this card is even "needed" or a lower graphic card can work well and what are the suggestions.

I am not sure if i want to use the word "heavy" modding but its kinda heavy in the amount of installed mods (300+) in case of esp its 100-150, also if many mods has scripts does need a proper processor or anything is fine (i assume scripting is related to processor, my ram is 8 gb in case its related).

also i am fine with using 2k texture (i just want to use some 4k for skins and so, few monsters retexture)

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If your cpu is at least 3.5ghz (preferably faster) a 1070 is justified imo. Gamebryo's engine is more cpu-dependent than most others, with cpus much under 3.5ghz I wouldn't waste the extra money and would opt for a 980Ti or 1060. We run Skyrim/SSE on a slightly overclocked 980 with a 4.4ghz i5 and it's smooth as butter, so even a 980Ti or 1060 should be more than "enough" for it. Just remember the faster a card is, the less of a relative load is put on it by a given game, so the cooler it runs. Usually. Our 980 hits leaf blower mode pretty readily even with a 70-75C fan profile, we're looking into upgrading it because of noise not performance.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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If your cpu is at least 3.5ghz (preferably faster) a 1070 is justified imo. Gamebryo's engine is more cpu-dependent than most others, with cpus much under 3.5ghz I wouldn't waste the extra money and would opt for a 980Ti or 1060. We run Skyrim/SSE on a slightly overclocked 980 with a 4.4ghz i5 and it's smooth as butter, so even a 980Ti or 1060 should be more than "enough" for it. Just remember the faster a card is, the less of a relative load is put on it by a given game, so the cooler it runs. Usually. Our 980 hits leaf blower mode pretty readily even with a 70-75C fan profile, we're looking into upgrading it because of noise not performance.

its a 3.4 (well .1ghz less so its not a big deal imo (at least i don't want to upgrade it at the moment just to be above 3.4).


so in your opinion getting 1060 + new cpu is better than going for 1070 (just to be clear even tho i am embarrassed to say it, i am using a 4 years old pc, my motherboard is from the third generation while its the seventh now, my graphic card is 660) and because I have to buy games for more than one console I can't upgrade my whole pc and this is why I wanted to go for the graphic card because i thought my problem right now is the vram.


As I mentioned above I am fine with going for 2k texture if something lower than 1070 can deal with it, but the most important right now for me is the mods with scripts, I am sure 1060 or 1070 is a big improvement from my 2gb vram current card, so if you would say 1060 + processor rather than 1070 i can go for that option.

I am not the person that would feel annoyed about the noise (maybe because I didn't encounter this situation, but i think if the performance is huge i can handle some noises.


also a side question why did you meantion Gamebryo's engine, skyrim is using a different engine?


and thanks very much for your reply

Edited by Blightboy
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Well I answered your question from my own perspective, which is ES4 almost entirely, but ime cpu speed makes as much or in some cases more of a difference than gpu in any ES title. According to forum posts around the web a lot of people have junky 2.4GHz cpus and wonder why Skyrim is choppy even with their brand new $1000 1080's. :) A gpu can't do everything.

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If your cpu is at least 3.5ghz (preferably faster) a 1070 is justified imo. Gamebryo's engine is more cpu-dependent than most others, with cpus much under 3.5ghz I wouldn't waste the extra money and would opt for a 980Ti or 1060. We run Skyrim/SSE on a slightly overclocked 980 with a 4.4ghz i5 and it's smooth as butter, so even a 980Ti or 1060 should be more than "enough" for it. Just remember the faster a card is, the less of a relative load is put on it by a given game, so the cooler it runs. Usually. Our 980 hits leaf blower mode pretty readily even with a 70-75C fan profile, we're looking into upgrading it because of noise not performance.

its a 3.4 (well .1ghz less so its not a big deal imo (at least i don't want to upgrade it at the moment just to be above 3.4).


so in your opinion getting 1060 + new cpu is better than going for 1070 (just to be clear even tho i am embarrassed to say it, i am using a 4 years old pc, my motherboard is from the third generation while its the seventh now, my graphic card is 660) and because I have to buy games for more than one console I can't upgrade my whole pc and this is why I wanted to go for the graphic card because i thought my problem right now is the vram.


As I mentioned above I am fine with going for 2k texture if something lower than 1070 can deal with it, but the most important right now for me is the mods with scripts, I am sure 1060 or 1070 is a big improvement from my 2gb vram current card, so if you would say 1060 + processor rather than 1070 i can go for that option.

I am not the person that would feel annoyed about the noise (maybe because I didn't encounter this situation, but i think if the performance is huge i can handle some noises.


also a side question why did you meantion Gamebryo's engine, skyrim is using a different engine?


and thanks very much for your reply


If your CPU is unlocked you can easily boost your it to 4ghz. Look for a guide, it should be simple to get it to 4ghz.

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