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Global Nudity Toggle


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There needs to be a mod that can toggle between the normal settings for each follower/NPC and a No Nudity setting. The No Nudity setting should be completely reversible to the normal settings for the follower or NPC.


Make it password enabled (to change from No Nudity to Normal) so my children cannot access the adult features. In other words, it should be a manual download and not appear in the mod list or in NMM. Maybe a power that when an attempt is made to change to the Nudity Allowed setting, it would ask for a user defined password created during the mod installation process. It should also work in all player homes.


I really like the mods out there that make the followers and NPC's look and move so realistically but I think we do need some kind of parental controls. If not for the kids, then so my wife doesn't walk in and see my followers enter the pool or get nude while changing outfits...

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