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Anyone interested in doing a slavery mod?


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I think it'd be cool to be able to capture random travelers and turn them into slaves or buy slaves from a slave market and put them to work. It's mainly an RP thing since normal settlers are essentially slabes anyway lol. Some ideas...



Some pros of having slaves instead of regular settlers:


Slaves only need half the food that regular settlers need.


Slaves don't need beds, will sleep on the ground.


Slaves don't count toward or against settlement happiness. They're slaves, no one cares how happy or unhappy they are.



Some cons of having slaves:


Minutemen and other normal settlements will not allow slaves so you have to choose between having a normal settlement or a slave settlement.


In addition to normal attacks from raiders, supermutants, etc, any settlements with slaves will also be attacked by a faction called The Liberators (who fight against slavery) and the Minutemen (if you helped Preston get them going again). Attacks by Liberators and Minutemen are not affected by settlement happiness or defense; they will still happen. If you don't defend your settlement and it is damaged in an attack, when you go back to the settlement you'll find most or all of your slaves are gone, freed in the attack.


You have to hire Slavedrivers to keep the slaves working and in line. Each Slavedriver can oversee 3 slaves. If you don't have enough Slavedrivers to keep all your slaves in check, they may escape. Example, you have 10 slaves and 3 Slavedrivers. After some time, you'll find that you only have 9 slaves because one managed to escape. Slavedriver happiness is important, so make sure to have enough slaves to be able to assign them to happiness producing jobs.




Raider outposts will allow slaves and your raiders can be assigned as slavedrivers to keep the slaves in line.

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