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Help! save game problem


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Is the crash happening again when you get to the same point in a quest, or wear a particular armor, or go to a certain place? The 'coc center' trick is going to help when the trouble is caused by scripts getting screwed up but won't do anything to fix a faulty script or game resource that's been added by a mod.


I don't have any experience using the mods I see in your load list but there are a couple that I have seen others recommend against (the two that jump out as reported problem causers are P1DkeyChain.esp and Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp). The mod I've seen recommended to replace Natural Weather is Weather - All Natural and I don't recall an alternate recommendation for the Key Chain mod. You have plenty of other mods in your list that could be part of the problem (I see problems reported with lots of mods that aren't related to installation woes, but that doesn't mean they could be game breaking problems). I see a bashed patch but you never did say whether or not you use BOSS to sort your load order. You also haven't mentioned whether or not you have been a habitual user of quicksave in the past. Once I learned about the problems caused by quicksave (mine were more related to CTD problems while playing) it took quite a while of using good save habits to finally get that character's saves stable (well as stable as Oblivion will ever be). I have well over 1200 hours on my old guy and the only thing I need to do beyond good save habits is exit the game to the desktop every few hours and run the A-Bomb fix when it starts to show up again. I very rarely get CTD anymore, unless I forget to exit the game every few hours (after an Esc menu save or named console save of course).

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