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CTD - Need to Find Which Mods are Conflicting


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Recently bought Skyrim, the original, and its DLCs since I'd somehow never got around to picking it up. I'd played FO4 and modded the s*** out of that, with no real problems at all, so I went into Skyrim with the same approach I'd taken to FO4. I got quite a few, and everything worked fine. I got SKSE, since literally everything needs it. On occasion I got some CTDs, but they weren't frequent or consistent enough to be of any real bother, and apart from them performance was fine. I then more recently installed a bunch of mods together, which don't seem to obviously conflict one another, and CTDs became much more frequent. Travelling the overworld, the game could just crash, and it often also happened on loading into or out of cities or houses etc. The problem simply got worse and worse, where it used to be a matter of chance whether the game would CTD it just began to just crash when I tried to load into my save, which is in Solitude, near the blacksmith. I would get a brief glimpse of the loaded game before it crashed. It's worth pointing out that I didn't install any more mods in this time.


It's also worth knowing, I'm pretty s*** with computers beyond the basics. I got SKSE fine, with the help of a video tutorial. But when I came to researching my CTDs and ways to perhaps find or fix mod conflicts I found a load of different methods and convoluted techniques involving installing X, Y and Z software and tinkering with files which all just went over my head. I did attempt to add the SKSE.ini memory patch, since I figured the game memory could be maxing out during loading, but this didn't have any effect. After getting the Memory Blocks Log mod I realised my game never came close to the patched or even really the unpatched memory amount.


So, the only thing I can think is that some of the mods are conflicting. But I'm not sure which. I could simply dredge through my mod list on the NMM and deactivate mods to figure out which is the problem, but I have 50-60 mods, none of which seem obviously to be an issue, so that would be a real ball ache and only provide a temporary solution - since it wouldn't allow me to fix any future conflicts if I were to get more mods. I'm aware that there are certain things that I could get, such as TES5edit, but being pretty inept and unconfident with a seemingly complex solution, I figured I would appeal here to see if anyone knows which of my mods may be clashing, and hence which to disable, or to see if someone can point me towards the best way to resolve mod conflicts as and when they appear. If indeed TES5edit is the way to go, or another such thing, I'd also appreciate some good advice or guidance as to how to go about it.


I do not have LOOT. It seemed rather complex to get, and when installing Dual Sheath Redux I was advised not to use LOOT to change the load order of the prerequisite mods.

I'll attatch my NMM mod list and my load order as screenshots.


Side note: I disabled any textures above 2k to see if this would help with the problem, back when I still suspected it to be a problem with memory rather than mod conflicts. Had no effect, obviously.

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