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Goddammit CBBE is Screwed


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Well this problem started a few days ago cbbe stopped working after I uninstalled CHSBHC BBP then reinstalled cbbe. It just shows the vanilla old lady skin and for whatever reason bodyslide got screwed and fails to load setup.xrc after i re installed it. Im still a newb to modding so any help? Well about that i found a "fix" for the bodyslide problem but when I preview the build it just shows a blacked out mode it first started with the same problem i had a while ago bodyslide shows 2 player models, the vanilla one and the cbbe one. then ingame its the weird clipping hips and brests with no nipples glitch, i fixed this by reinstalling the 2 mods and it worked perfectly, then i got it again and I did the same method but this time it got screwed up by nmm saying the mod cannot be installed dute to the sevenzipsharp bug and I took the 7z file from the mods folder and converted it to a zip folder using zipware and then proceeded to installing it then, i got this bug that has been plaguing me for the past weeks trying many methods i know to fix it

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CBBE and Bodyslide are confirmed to be working for hundreds of thousands of players. If they don't work for you, you didn't install them correctly.


Maybe your issue is connected to that "sevenzipsharp bug". I don't know what exactly causes it. At least for me, it occurred only once. At that time, the drive used by NMM was almost full. If that's the case with your hdd too, this might also explain incorrect installations (lack of free disk space). Check, if you got enough free space on your hdd.

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