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How goes, eh? I have a really frustrating issue and was wondering what kind of help or suggestions you folks had, since you're probably a lot more seasoned in modding than I am.


Here's the breadown:


I use Mod Organizer to help with all mods, a few are from the Steam Workshop but nothing as far as I can tell that's a problem, since they melded in just fine. They've been mixed in with my Nexus mods about 20% out of 80% of my total mods, but they haven't caused any issue because this came from the Nexus only just recently whereas the Workshop mods have been there since two years ago.

I run LOOT for most of my mods, clean then in TES5Edit if they need it, sort my plugins with each install, update them if they need it unless the update reqs dlc files, and then run the game as per usual without problems.


I play the game, all is and has been well til recently within a month or so. I play now, I'll try to pull the magic/spells menu up but it CTD's. I don't use spells often but the ones I do use are healing, fire, lycanthropy related. I'd like to check character effects and such, but it's frustrating because after double checking all my mods, nothing seems to square up about which one is causing the issue.

I start a new game with no mods installed, still crashes at the same menu, LOOT doesn't say anything as a warning of what's conflicting. At max, I run about 100 or so mods, no other issues have gone on from that and I don't and can't use any mods that require dlc masterfiles. Compatibility is perfect besides this issue, since I'm sure this issue is probably either that or some kind of corruption. The last time this happened, the CTD stopped at some point, and I don't remember if it was something I removed or did to help it any.


This is about the second time this has happened in about a year, but it happened so long ago that I forgot how to fix it simply without needing to make a clean save or fresh install with no mods in the files. It's a wonky idea to have to remove all the 120 some mods I have and then set them back in, but solution's a solution I guess. I went as much as switching some of the Workshop mods over to their Nexus counterparts, though I don't know if I needed to remove any deep files or anything in the game folder to refresh it, but I only did that AFTER this whole thing.


I've done a ton of homework on youtube and forum posts that date out to about 2013 or 2014 even, still not sure how to solve it or if a whole lot of people had this come up through poor modding orders and such. Most people crashed from too many items in game, too many spell mods, etc. I don't have either, but I have 15 player homes and all of 4 magic mods, all for food and recipes and what not.


Does anyone have any ideas as to what I'm doing/not doing properly? I don't have a whole lot of experience in modding but I know basics and enough to make sure they all jive together right and healthy, so that's about it. I'd appreciate any word on it, if you've dealt with the same thing and can offer some advice?

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If you are a crashing on a new game with absolutely no mods installed, it may either be your workshop mods (as I believe they reinstall themselves unless you unsubscribe), or it may be a system error. It could also be that something is corrupted. I suggest a clean install. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/


In the future, utilize the crash fixes mod. Also, ensure that there are no files in your overwrite section of MO and that you know how to handle those. Also make sure that your left pane load order is matching your right pane. Generally, I will sort all my mods on both the left and right in the below listed load order, then sort with LOOT (which sorts the right pane), and then match the left to the right. Texture files I leave in the order LOOT wants them on the right, but on the left I put them in the order I want them to have priority, the higher priority being lower in the load order.







Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

[other .esms]


Unofficial High Res Patch

[utility Mods] (Safety load, skse scripts, UI Extensions, Papyrus Util...stuff like that)

[other .esps]

Modern Brawl Bugs Fix

[Texture Mods] (mods that make skyrim look better)

[body Meshes/Textures] (Mods that make NPCs or player look better)


[Animation Mods]

XPMSE (if you aren't using this, get it and that required file)

Alternate Start (If you aren't using this, get it.)

[Anything LOOT sorts after]

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There are two main causes to crashing on opening the magic menu, and since you're using Workshop mods, I'm going to say it's numero dos: the "Amazing Race Tweaks" mod. I believe there might be a solution on the mod's page.

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Thank you for your feedback, snelss0. I'll be doing a thorough cleaning for sure, and maybe being a lot more tedious in cleaning with each new mod install. I haven't been doing that as much as I should with even smaller ones.


@TheGreatFalro Wow, well looks like I'll be fixing that up then, because that's one I do have and I wasn't even aware! No s*** eh? Damn. Thanks a lot for that input!


For future reference though, can I ask what the first issue would be for a magic menu ctd?

Edited by Taegar
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Thank you for your feedback, snelss0. I'll be doing a thorough cleaning for sure, and maybe being a lot more tedious in cleaning with each new mod install. I haven't been doing that as much as I should with even smaller ones.


@TheGreatFalro Wow, well looks like I'll be fixing that up then, because that's one I do have and I wasn't even aware! No s*** eh? Damn. Thanks a lot for that input!


For future reference though, can I ask what the first issue would be for a magic menu ctd?

Using the "psb" (playerspellbook) console command. It adds every spell in the game to the player, including ones that the player should never have.

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Thank you for your feedback, snelss0. I'll be doing a thorough cleaning for sure, and maybe being a lot more tedious in cleaning with each new mod install. I haven't been doing that as much as I should with even smaller ones.


@TheGreatFalro Wow, well looks like I'll be fixing that up then, because that's one I do have and I wasn't even aware! No s*** eh? Damn. Thanks a lot for that input!


For future reference though, can I ask what the first issue would be for a magic menu ctd?

Using the "psb" (playerspellbook) console command. It adds every spell in the game to the player, including ones that the player should never have.


Wow, as interesting as that sounds, I'm nowhere near being a mage class player so there won't be any of that going on. Good for knowing, though, for sure.


Thanks for that, and thanks for your help!

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