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Radiant Names


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Bethesda is releasing the CS at the end of the month(hopefully), and I know that most other modders will be as :wallbash: as myself if Bethesda doesn't give us a way to tweak Radiant to our preferences. If they do, however, this will be the first thing I will go about doing.


Lemme give you an example;

The Dark Brotherhood Forever is a lovely quest, allowing you to inventively end poor commoner's lives for the price of a cheap dagger. However, I have one main problem with it; names. Now, I understand that it's not like the Thieves guild quest, because while you can steal from them, you can't go and kill Eeeeeveryone in Skyrim, mainly because most of them are essential, (Seriously, try killing the guy with iron armor in the Bannered Mare. Wth?) and the point of Radiant is to introduce infinite quests. I appreciate that, but "Blasphemous Priest" and "Disgruntled Worker" are kinda crappy names. Also, why do they disappear? Anyways, back to my main point. This simple mod I am proposing would simply replace these names with appropriate names. However, I can't think of them all by myself. Therefore, I am creating this thread so y'all can give me some names to put into the mod(If the CS does allow Radiant tweaking, if not, this thread will be buried and I will go :wallbash:.)


So, if you're just sitting there doing_______________, and an idea for a name that would sound nice in Skyrim pops into your head, pots it here. :D


EDIT: Apologies for not being more precise earlier, I was tired.


I have looked at some databases for names, and made a few of my own. If you want to specify the race, go ahead. Here's a couple tips;


Nords- Use an occupation, like Forge-tender or Fletcher. Another good thing to use is lots of consonants, like Skjar or Loki.


Orcs- Use a physical trait, like Longtusk or Strongarm. Also lots of "Urg"s, and stuff.


Elves(High, Wood, and Dark)- Make flowing names, think LOTR.


Bretons- Idk, I don't like Bretons. They make bad jokes.


Imperials- I don't like imperials either :tongue:

Edited by RbtRvltin
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I would try to find a racial names list from all the previous games. Probably wouldn't be too hard to make a name generator that makes a random name based on the generated NPC's race, using first and last names, or relevant naming conventions, from those lists. Granted, you would have a chance to generate a name that already exists in game.
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Looking at some of the various info out there, it looks like the radiant system has a script with basic paramaters, and the ref's are randomly selected from a grouping of specific possibilities, and the end of the script line restarts the quest. I think the quest giver, quest target, and quest location are all selected from lists, at random. I see no reason we would not be able to generate the grouping of variables to go in their place.


Also, I seem to recall someone spotting a random npc reference. I think it was Dremora for an ID, but then the entire stats, starting with race, would get randomly generated, resulting in a onetime use npc with a generic name and basic AI pakages.

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The Thieves Guild quests are radiant too, but since they don't involve killing, they can be reused. I figure add in about 20 NPCs per city(separate mod mayhap, and this one would be dependent), have them stay in random people's houses, and once they die,after about 3 days, add more randomly spawned NPC's, basically named versions of the "Imperials" or Bretons" you find in dungeons.
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I think it should be possible to insert a script on the random "throwaway" npc's to give them an actual name. Basically, I think that you can probably alter or generate the list that contain things like "Blasphemous Priest" To contain the actual names, or to generate them from a separate script.


Basically, how ever the random NPC is generated, inside the generation script you would use something like





if getrace == nord

setname (Alias=nordlist)


elseif getrace == Breton





I don't know the exact script, because I'm not good at it (yet) but If I understand the basic functions, something similar to that should work.

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