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Invisibility Enchantment


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Would it be possible to create an enchantment that turns you invisible when crouching? I like the idea behind the Ebony Mail, but I don't like the visual effect or the poison damage. I would much rather have it turn you invisible, and be able to enchant it to any armor you wish.


Can someone play around with this idea and see if it can be done?

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If a CK was released, I'd tell you how to do that right-on-the-spot.


However, there isn't one.


No one will probably create this, as it will be done when CK is released (if it IS released) as it's easy to do it from there. As an enchantment, it is in the game's main scripts, and modders don't like to mess with that kind of stuff, as one mistake can ruin the whole game.

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Yeah, I kinda figured it would have to be something that would have to wait for the official CK. I tried poking around in SkyEdit to see if I could figure out a bootleg way to do it, but I kept running into road blocks, gave up, and asked here hoping someone might know something I didn't lol.
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