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So my request is, Please find


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Know I've noticed that everytime I use wirlwind Sprint after activating a door to a loading screen the loading time is 5sec. I know when I raised my refresh rate to 85 the loading times shortened, but not as good as wirlwind sprint.


So my request is, Please find a way to enchant/auto wirlwind sprint on the following.





:nuke: Door activation

:nuke: quick travel (yes option)

:nuke: Exit/enter caves

:nuke: quests that teleport you intantly (Yes I am ready option)


These are some of the places if the activate button had a command along with it to trigger wirlwind sprint at least first word, (1st word and 2nd word would be nicer, ect.)

The loading times would reduce to 5 sec even if your refresh is 65 fps.


No excuses, this is an easy mod to do. So I expect to see it soon. lol.


Off the record. I thought of the idea of activate on these would triger a command file, but what I know is, we only use what works the best.


Also respond to this if you are going to start working on this. between work and this apifiny I'd like to have time to do this myself. If I do it I will upload it to SKYRIMNEXUS, And so everyone can find it we'll call it Loading time wirlwindsprint style, Agreed???.

LAST one their is a rotten egg.... lol

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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