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Battle of Acan: Heroism under Fire


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Battle of Acan: Heroism under Fire


It has been many centuries since we have come to this artificial world know as Auraxis. Soon after arriving on this planet many major discoveries have been made, one of which allow us to imprint ourselves into the energy field which allows us to be reborn; we are forever immortal but we can be killed, only to come back again. Also we discovered a race that seems to have inhabited this planet prior to our arrival and from the information we found, that they were called the Vanu. These alien beings are the ones that built this world, but why, we are not sure. A few decades after, we started colonization, and then the worm hole to earth collapsed leaving us cut off. Some how related to our never ending battle on this planet the planet went thought a massive shift now know as "The Bending" which pushed the continents out through space and time to new worlds and new temporal plains, and now we battle across interstellar plans trying to unite under one banner. Now as we battle over these new worlds I have been sent to Hossin to cover a special scientific team of the VS to gather data on project related to "The Bending". The forth coming battle at Acan bio lab will become the most trying of battles that separates the men from the boys, and turn heroes into legends.


Command has my team and I, the elite of the elite, piloting experimental BFRs, have been sent to Acan to hold this critical piece of the project. But I currently fear that the force sent to the gate will not be able to handle the situation against some of the Terran Republic’s most elite troops. With the Terrans at Acan’s door step we are going to full alert. I fear we may loss everything we came here for. As the Klaxon’s blare I rush to Archangel, my flight variant BFR, as my team rushes to their gunner variants. As the Terrans break upon the walls of the base like waves on a beach, we know that eventually they will break in and it will be all over. Pressing Archangel to its limits, while smelling the acrid stench of burning electronics, suddenly over command channel I hear that our best Black op pilots in Phantasm, have flown in to pick up the scientist and their part of the project info. However, due to the Terran Republic bringing in Bursters, Skyguards and a few Flail artillery units the Phantasm pilots can not land safely.


Taking the call for support as an order, I move my team to push out and take the AA and artillery out so our science teams can be pulled. Straining actuators and thruster to their limit, so as to avoid the hell fire of projectiles, I push up to take down the last of the flails which are dropping shells close to the landing zone. Suddenly over platoon channel, I learn that one of my Team’s BFR pilot and gunner was brought down by concentrated fire and didn’t have time to eject, but sent a partial message that they saw a TR BFR out there, armed to take out any tank or make any BFR run. With only 3 gunner variants BFRs left, plus me in my flight, we may not be able to stop this BFR and its support.


I am one of the old school commanders, who will only send other soldiers to their doom if the commander is willing to; besides getting things done right is best done by oneself. So, I order my remaining AV gunner variant, and AI/AV variant to come up to me and go after the tank support that is escorting the TR BFR.. With our massive immolation cannon, the Terran Prowler tanks escorting the Colossus were taken out but at the cost of the AI/AV Aphelion, and the one AV severely damaged. With the Colossus moving to remove the AV variant and knowing that the only chance to buy more time for the teams to load up was to save my team mates was to remove the threat by myself.


With the last of the energy in the badly damaged capacitor, I fire up my flight pack in a last ditch effort to bring the last of the biggest threat on the field down. Cutting the main thrusters and diverting the remaining power to maneuvering I drop out of the sky like a falcon diving for prey. I land squarely on the cockpit, sending about 75 tons of titanium down right on top of the pilot seat, crushing the pilot and digging down into the control for the reactor. Feeling the heat and the thunderous rumble of explosions from below, I punch the eject button rising high into the air in my command pod, as a miniature sun formed consuming both Archangel and the Terran Colossus. Through the echo in the crystal implanted in the base of my skull I can feel Archangel willing me away from the danger. In response I say "See you again old friend."


As I land near the transports in my agile armor, I use my Pulsar to keep the landing zone secured from infiltrators that seemingly pop from nowhere in an attempt to board the craft to sabotage our sensitive material. Seconds later, there is a sharp pain then darkness set in, then a feeling of release and omnipresence, as if a massive weight hit, me as I returned to the world of the living. Now, at sanctuary, I get geared up and head to command center to see how the battle progresses for the remaining teams. We have lost much terrain today but we gained something, much more, something that might put this endless war to an end, but not soon enough for me. For more people will be forced into this war and will loss their innocence to more battles that separate the men from the boys, and turn heroes into legends.

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For those wondering this is a very old writing of mine back in 2004 when I played Planetside, which was an MMO FPS with a bit of RTS in it. At the moment planetside 2 is in the works and will be out soon for anyone intrested in massively epic battles that even Battlefield can't boast; with 300 players per faction and up to 3 factions fighting over a large chunk of land at the same time. Check it out on youtube if you like.
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