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Help with mods :) ! Thankyou \ ^.^ /


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Hello all , i just started playing skyrim again after a long time and i soo that many inprovements have been made (mods), the problem is i'm new to this thing and dont know haw it actualy works, i DL the nexus manager that allows me to instal and run them but i still cant understad haw to make them work together or dont know if some of them are working as intended to be honest i'm only intrested in several things :


Intrested :

+ Bug Fix

+ Graphic inprovements (enviroment / armors / AI / etc)

+ Smarter AI (run from mobs not stay and fight them with bare hands :/ )

+ More content ( quests / npcs )

+ A better inventory and crafting UI

+ Something that will add to my overall progress when i do stuff , for example when i mine : smithing / gathering flowers : alchemy . (ofc if there are any that are made for this intent)


Optional :

+ Weather efects (improvement)

+ Sounds efects (improvement)

+ If i decide to make a mage something that allows me to do some dmg with the spells , not rly like the dagger x15 1shot build that i had but not like the mage i had that took me 5min to kill a dragon/mammoth/giant...


I'm having on steam Skyrim (all dlcs) and Skyrim Special Edition if you guyz recomand one of them that would be great , as for what i can see bouth have mods and like i sayd im = to 0 on mods install/them working together so it dosent rly matter to me as long as i have the inprovements mentiond above + from what i read nothing new was done to the SE that the normal one dosent have (thats for nonmoders like me)


Hope someone can chat a bit with me and enlighten me on the topic .... thankyou for taking time in reading and i apologize for my bad grammar...



My sistem is a laptop :

16 GB ram

i7 -6700HQ (2.60-3.50)

GTX 960M 4gb

Edited by Enzabahnur
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The S.T.E.P page is a great place to start. It's a lot to go over, but if you follow what they tell you, your modding success is almost assured.


As for original Skyrim vs. SE, it's mostly a matter of personal preference. SE doesn't have SKSE (yet) and the enb binaries are pretty basic, but it looks better out of the box.

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