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The Story Behind Pulowski Preservation Shelters


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So I'm reading about these shelters you find everywhere and it seems to be a bit of a mystery as to their origins. Anybody have info? Who the hell is Pulowski anyway? It seems like there might be a funny story behind them and thought somebody knows. It seems that they would be more like "Panic Boxes" than a fallout shelter since they do not protect occupants from radiation. :laugh:

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Probably yet another smart contractor who managed to sneak his vacuum-cleaner hose in through a crack ion the government coffer :tongue: Maybe Pulowski learnt his trade in Vault Tec :devil:

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Yeah. Can u imagine some poor shmuck trying to find a quarter to get in before he is vaporized. Even when you get in, there's no water or food. So he'd be standin there- slowly dying- and probably thinking "Damn, I should of just stayed outside!". What a way to go. :laugh:

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I think the name was derived from Mr. Stanley Pulowski of New Orleans, who used a similar metal tube setup to get away from this wife and sister-in-law occasionally.


Really? Or are you BS-ing? Because I thought the name came from a Sen. Henry Pulowski who included it in a bill designated the "No Citizen Left Behind Initiative"- the sole purpose of which was to offer affordable protection for all needy U.S. citizens in the event of either Total Nuclear War or Mass Hysteria Inspired Self Expressionism. This was after his "Pure America" bill designed to "encourage" non-English speaking citizens to return to their country of origin by offering a free small raft or hang glider and weekend pass to Nuka World, ultimately failed. :wink: :tongue:

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