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Dark Elf faces


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Hey Ozio-- Rhedd's heads are great! I downloaded every one of them (except for Breton because they stink for theives and fighters) but he doesn't have the beast races last time I checked so you might have to look some where else for those. Hope that helps! :D :D
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Yo Soth, let's all be nice around here okay?

Sorry, I have low tolerance for people who don't pay attention.


I believe Sun Tzu said it best in a story widely attributed to him-


Failure to give clear orders and instructions is the commander's fault. But after the commander has clearly given instructions and yet orders fail to be followed the troops and leaders are to be blamed.


Essentially, if the speaker (or whomever) is not clear in what they say, then its their fault when a person misinterprets, but if they are well explained and the person they're speaking to doesn't get it, then it is said listeners fault.

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Rhedd never did any DE male yet, may be later, but now there is only women, you should take a look to our website, there re a lot of new faces and replace plugins in it : www.khalazzaprod.fr.st
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