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1.4 patch setto release soon. Hope they got it right this time.


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  On 1/20/2012 at 6:02 PM, Chazz11bravo said:


If the past is any indication then most of the bugs will be patched by modders and not the company.


Try Daggerfall without the third-party mods and see how far you can get. To know it is to call it "Buggerfall".


This is from the UESP on Morrowind, "...the Unofficial Morrowind Patch (UMP) by Thepal and quorn fixes almost all of the bugs and problems with Morrowind and its expansions. While the official patches by Bethesda only fixed a couple of dozen bugs, this patch fixes several hundred..." One official patch for the XBox actually made me angry. Originally you could knock Hrordis unconscious and steal her ring but after the patch it was necessary to murder her to get the ring. That change applied to all characters and really reduced immersion. Eventually I had to quit playing since the save game became unstable after it grew to a certain size.


This is from the UESP on Oblivion, "...major mods by Quarn and Kivan that fix over 1,800 bugs (and 70,000 object placement errors) left over even after the latest official patch is applied..." There were a couple of irritating bugs that were never fixed on the XBox 360 version of the game. One that happened when a door at a monestary beside Azura's temple was opened and this made it impossible to finish the thieves' guild quests. There was a work around for the PC but on the console the only solution was to reload a save game before the door was opened. In my case that was hour 3 on a character with over 400 hours on it. The other bug was even more irritating. After downloading most of the DLC my character got the Abomb. This made the DLC impossible to finish since it would take a half hour for doors to open if the thing did not crash completely. Some kindly modders provided instructions how to work around the problem with a game cartridge and a dongle for the PC. I went out and bought the cartridge and then heard that M$ would permanently ban from Live anyone who modified the save game in this way. Since I had just renewed my subscription and they don't give refunds I decided it was too much of a risk to get a few more hours in.


For Skyrim all I expect to see from Bethsoft is enough patches to get the thing running but we will have to wait for the modders to fix the rest of it. In the case of the consoles they are going to remain somewhat buggy for the rest of time.

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  On 1/22/2012 at 5:44 AM, MurrayBfromCanada said:
  On 1/20/2012 at 6:02 PM, Chazz11bravo said:


If the past is any indication then most of the bugs will be patched by modders and not the company.


Try Daggerfall without the third-party mods and see how far you can get. To know it is to call it "Buggerfall".


This is from the UESP on Morrowind, "...the Unofficial Morrowind Patch (UMP) by Thepal and quorn fixes almost all of the bugs and problems with Morrowind and its expansions. While the official patches by Bethesda only fixed a couple of dozen bugs, this patch fixes several hundred..." One official patch for the XBox actually made me angry. Originally you could knock Hrordis unconscious and steal her ring but after the patch it was necessary to murder her to get the ring. That change applied to all characters and really reduced immersion. Eventually I had to quit playing since the save game became unstable after it grew to a certain size.


This is from the UESP on Oblivion, "...major mods by Quarn and Kivan that fix over 1,800 bugs (and 70,000 object placement errors) left over even after the latest official patch is applied..." There were a couple of irritating bugs that were never fixed on the XBox 360 version of the game. One that happened when a door at a monestary beside Azura's temple was opened and this made it impossible to finish the thieves' guild quests. There was a work around for the PC but on the console the only solution was to reload a save game before the door was opened. In my case that was hour 3 on a character with over 400 hours on it. The other bug was even more irritating. After downloading most of the DLC my character got the Abomb. This made the DLC impossible to finish since it would take a half hour for doors to open if the thing did not crash completely. Some kindly modders provided instructions how to work around the problem with a game cartridge and a dongle for the PC. I went out and bought the cartridge and then heard that M$ would permanently ban from Live anyone who modified the save game in this way. Since I had just renewed my subscription and they don't give refunds I decided it was too much of a risk to get a few more hours in.


For Skyrim all I expect to see from Bethsoft is enough patches to get the thing running but we will have to wait for the modders to fix the rest of it. In the case of the consoles they are going to remain somewhat buggy for the rest of time.


Compare the unofficial bug list on Beths forums with the 1.4 notes, it's happening again.

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  On 1/22/2012 at 11:18 AM, jim_uk said:
Compare the unofficial bug list on Beths forums with the 1.4 notes, it's happening again.

It doesn't surprise me very much. These companies are about profit and perfecting software does not make them more money. When I was playing Oblivion on the XBox 360 I noticed that patching just stopped at a certain point even though the software still contained some serious bugs. Even now I don't know why the patching stopped.

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  On 1/24/2012 at 2:24 AM, MurrayBfromCanada said:
  On 1/22/2012 at 11:18 AM, jim_uk said:
Compare the unofficial bug list on Beths forums with the 1.4 notes, it's happening again.

It doesn't surprise me very much. These companies are about profit and perfecting software does not make them more money. When I was playing Oblivion on the XBox 360 I noticed that patching just stopped at a certain point even though the software still contained some serious bugs. Even now I don't know why the patching stopped.

I couldnt play a console over so many factors. No performance upgrade to the extent of a pc. Being able to collapse my screen. Look up a fix or a hint (I'm not the type to ru around a room for a half hour because I've had too many pints to find a lever). Not being able to mod with out being banned. That's bulls***. you bought the f***ing console you should able to what the f*** ou want with it. I would be furious M8's. I live about 30 miutes from microsoft. I know a few people that work. One was one of the "upper" developers in the 360 division. (He moved back to windows less stress he said) Knowing these poeple and their atttiudes doesnt make the ban part a surprise. elitist jerks wouldnt be far from the correct description. Nor would magalomaniacs. If I owned a 360 with my temper I'd go punch derrick (the Ex-xbox guy) haha.


Thanks for the responses M8's. Does this UESP patch work for PC? I love that UESP site by the way. What a fantastic gaming community. It's too bad we can't get together and form a Gamers Union (all platforms). An enormous group thay would have to take notice of. Unfortunately the existant of too many little buggers that would not stand by a boycot of a company. Could you imagine though? Having the power to kick them in their money sack. After all it's our money that gives them a life. That being said. It's a good dream at best I'm a afraid. She'll be right. Cheers M8's Grumpy Veteran

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  On 1/24/2012 at 4:46 PM, Chazz11bravo said:
...I couldnt play a console over so many factors...I would be furious M8's...

Our original console purchase just sort of happened. My wife and I were looking for a DVD player and we went to the store and started looking for one. As it happened the salesperson was a former student of mine and he said,"You don't want a DVD player." just like a Jedi. This was surprising so we asked what we did want and he responded an Xbox. It was the same price as a DVD player but could play games too. So we bought the console and never regretted that decision.


A few years later the original Xbox was forced into obsolescence by M$ and there was no more sofware available even though millions of consoles were still working fine. For a time I just continued playing the old games but when Oblivion GOTY came out I had to get it. This was not a want but a NEED because I really NEEDED to get back to Tamriel! This meant buying a new console to run the new game in addition to many hidden costs that were not apparent at the time of purchase. When the console was a little more than three years old it failed as all XBox 360s do. M$ is not saying why but it seems to have something to do with non-conducting crystals forming in the lead-free solder. The rate of crystal formation appears to be temperature dependrnt and since the GPU runs too hot it fails there first. Ask anyone under thirty about RRoD and they can tell you what happens when the crystals grow large enough. All XBox 360s [not sure it this applies to the newest version] will fail in the same way and it appears they have a 100% failure rate with about three to five years of average use.


This uncorrected problem seems to have brought its own punishment. At Christmas time I noticed mountains of unsold XBox 360 consoles at retailers. After Boxing day some places had marked the model with the hard disk down to $120 and they still weren't moving off the shelves. It looks like M$ has lost an entire generation of customers without any clear way of winning them back. Of course if M$ bankrupts itself I expect they will go crying for a government bailout just like the other corporations.


By the way, when you say furious do you mean furious as in very angry or do you mean furious as in the following video which contains some bad language?:



That's what I call furious but also funny as heck for anyone that's been RRoDed by their M$ XBox 360.

Edited by MurrayBfromCanada
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