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Polish to English language no steam key


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It's something only Steam can handle. If you don't have the Steam key or the account that the copy of Skyrim was bought for, then you'll have to purchase a copy of Skyrim again.

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your post make little sense since steam should not ask for key if swapping language but anyway

if you want to change language legit way:


I am not sure 100% for steam which I don't know how to use 100% but this works in origin,

if you change your regional settings in origin to English the game will download in that language (like FIFA) after uninstall ofc, every game had it different though:depends on license, maybe steam is same? re-launch application ofc


I am almost certain this will work since hopefully skyrim doesn't have such stupid limits of language as bf4-bf1, saying it is stupid because the dubbing in most countries sucks and I prefer English all the way (Italy and Poland have the worst dub I can think of, Italy because it is the same dubbler since 60s - first with movies - I dunno he never dies? , and Poland because they don't care: no emotions)


I am assuming steam should not ask for key again once the game was previously installed, the lad that sold you the laptop doesn't want to hold the license for herself/himself/his kid, it's a legit copy


if anything else ----> steam support

Edited by lucidstorm1
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