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[LE] Armors/Cloths Wont show on Custom Created race...Please Help


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Hey guys this is my first time using CK and I'm trying to make my own custom playable race. I followed the steps detailed in This Tutorial, was able to actually make and Load the race into the game.

However, any cloths or armors i equip don't show up. I've attached an image showing how my race IS equiped with some gear but is still Shown with out. I'm have no idea what to do and need help.

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Ok tried that and got the gear to show up, but now i lose my hand,feet,& custom body texture while gear is on and am just a floating head when gear is removed


UPDATE: I got it to work. Had to set the "Armor Body" to let bretons use. Alls good, Thanx for the Help, *^v^*

Edited by Keltarian
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Ok tried that and got the gear to show up, but now i lose my hand,feet,& custom body texture while gear is on and am just a floating head when gear is removed


UPDATE: I got it to work. Had to set the "Armor Body" to let bretons use. Alls good, Thanx for the Help, *^v^*

What does that mean? I still have that problem.

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