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Helmet replacer for NPCs is worn at 90. to the head - help!


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Hi all,


basically I'm making an armour replacer mod (for personal use) for the NCR using this excellent mod: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=45203 and I'm having trouble with the helmets. While the meshes & Textures ARE working, for some reason the helmets are worn by the NPCs at the strange angle of 90. to the head, so it basically covers one of their ears. It's really quite strange and irritating, so if someone could suggest a solution I would be very greatful.


Since I want to know I may as well ask also, how do you add items to NPCs lists? (e.g. adding the AM Rifle to be used by fiends) I would also like to add the helmets I mentioned above to the NCR trooper list, so that they don't just use one or two helmets.



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