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[LE] Player Character Voicepack?

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Hello there! I'm very new to this community and modding in general, and I'm looking for a bit (read: A LOT) of guidance.

So here's what I want to do - I want to create a sort of "voice pack" unique to the player character, something that will encompass combat grunts, dragon shouts and maybe even basic needs sounds (yawns and coughing and the like). I want to create this mod using my own voice.

So, here's where I'm at so far. I have a high-quality mic and decent(?) recording software, I have the Creation Kit downloaded and installed. I've poked around in the CK to see if I can find the voice paths and everything myself, but it's much more complex than I expected it to be. I have searched through Google and Bethesda's tutorials for things related to what I'm trying to accomplish, with much less luck than I had hoped for.

Finally, here's my request. I'm looking for as much guidance as I can get in this matter. If anyone is willing to take the time to put up a detailed tutorial for the steps I need to take, that would be wonderful, but I'm just fine with doing most of the dirty work myself. If anyone has pertinent video/text tutorials they've used for things like this, helpful software that I haven't thought about but will likely need for this process, or resource pages that I might have missed (because let's face it, I definitely did somewhere) that would be helpful to me, I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, guys. :smile:


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This mod allows you to create/use your own custom player voicesets and includes fairly detailed instructions for doing so. Might be a good place to start. :smile:


Hmm... looking through this, it'll definitely be a good place to start. I was hoping it was something I wouldn't need another mod to rely on, or use SKSE for that matter. Thanks for the response. :)

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