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Anyone Else Encountered Broken Base IDs?


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I'm not really asking for help, I'm more just curious if anyone else has ever encountered this strange anomaly.


Base IDs on NPCs often don't work depending on what the base ID of the NPC starts with. If the NPC's ID starts with a letter (like Lydia a2c94) then the commands will work. If the ID starts with a digit (like Brelyna 1c1a4) it won't work. For example, the "1c1a4.moveto player" won't work. It will fail every time. When trying to use commands on Brelyna you will often get errors like "not a recognized script" or "uknown variable." You can use any type of console command on Lydia and it will work though.


This is bizarre, and I don't understand it. Has anyone else ever recognized this?

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