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Now this is something that has always bugged me from my very first play through of Fallout 4.

Why does the Brotherhood in it's endgame quest to defeat the Institute, blow it to s*** rather than clearing it out and assuming control of what is a signifigant strategic foothold in the Commonwealth?
This as the ending would have provided at least 3 benefits as I see it.

1. A *HIGHLY* fortified bunker with the only entrance being a f***ing teleportation device.

2. Control of the most sophisticated technology (as we yet know of) in the entire wasteland.

3. Control of an army of what are essentially robots (as confirmed in dialogue with Deacon who compares Gen 1&2 Synths to protectrons.)


As I see it the only reason the BoS doesn't like Synths is because of the Gen 3's which are able to blend in and make conscious decisions for themselves, so I don't understand why they wouldn't just erradicate them and tak advantage of 200 years of technological advancements.

**cough cough** mightmakeanicemodyallknowwhatimsaying **cough cough**


If anyone can explain this or anything can you tell my so I can get on with my life XD


--Also what do you think about this as a mod--

Edited by RacsoC
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The East Coast Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel takes the hard view that technological progress or "pushing the envelope" can itself threaten mankind's future. Brotherhood High Command under Arthur Maxson believed that the Institute, and any chance of recreating third generation synths, needed to be wiped from the face of the Earth. To that end they viewed anything coming out of the Institute as almost heretical and in need of destruction, no matter how mundane.


Perhaps the Brotherhood under Elder Lyon's would have taken to appropriating the Institute, but the Brotherhood under Maxson certainly felt content with their current technological assets.


Also, there was no way to ensure that the Institute would remain secured for long. For all we know, the Institute had an army of gen 1-2 synths in storage they could have rolled out to crush the invaders with sheer weight of numbers. Getting in and getting out after setting off a big explosion was the only way to ensure victory at minimal cost in the lives to the Brotherhood. Perhaps with more complete intelligence a different decision may have been made, but the Brotherhood was never going to get this before the big battle came.


When dealing with the Institute, or any other unknown threat, it is better to take no chances than to risk taking unnecessary losses.


With that in mind, we all know the devs just gave up in the end and decided to make the ending for 3 factions the same (with slightly different dialogue) so they would only really have to worry about two endings.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Because gablablaabaaa TECHNOLOGY RUN AMOK!! Honestly, they don't shut the hell up. Probably also extreme laziness on Bethesda's part as any faction could have just taken over. I guess it was just easier to end with one big boom, and then dump you back out with a "go do some side quests or some s#*!." If i'm honest, it probably would have taken a lot of work to sort out those endings.

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1. The Institute is a symbol of pain, destruction and is essentially the boogeyman of the commonwealth

2. The Institute, while fortified, for all the BoS know there could be security measures to destroy the entire Institute should it end up in the hands of someone else so destroy it while you can

3. An army of robots that could have protocols that a Institute scientist that infiltrated the BoS can use to have said robots commit mass murder


Now while the Institute did have a lot of high technology the BoS scanned the entire Institute Network in the quest http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Outside_the_Wire so basically all of the Institute's data is now controlled by the BoS, this is how they find out about Danse.


The Institute is a security risk but they still manage to get the technological blueprints of the Institute which will allow them to eventually replicate the least dangerous technology the Institute has researched.


While the BoS doesn't know this it is revealed that much of the Institute is areas that are only accessed by Synth and have almost no communication with the interior of the Institute and we see in the synth factory the synths are made and then sent behind a wall that leads to a location that has no real means for the player to go to.

Edited by CiderMuffin
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"Other assholes?" Lone Wanderer


"Yeah, you know. Those humans, like you. Well, maybe not like you, I dunno, but humans all the same. The Brotherhood of Steel guys with their testosterone and Power Armor... Those psycho Talon Company mercs...Those other assholes." Willow



Because the Brotherhood of Steel is as Willow describes them.

Edited by PoorlyAged
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