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Thor's Hammer


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but it still looks like sh*t ingame

You need a solid normal map, and a solid specularity. Fail either one, and your model can look as good as you want inside whatever sotware, and have the best difuse map, but it will look like crap.

Both of these maps are very easy to make.


Frankly, you should learn to texture perfectly before even touching sculpting. I remember reading about a lead artist of some company saying something like: "You know, I would rather teach a person to sculpt if he can texture, than to learn a person to texture when he can sculpt. One is fundamental, the other is luxury"


And a metal texture is easy to make. You make your own base texture inside photoshop, or you prep pictures you allready got, and start overlaying + setting down the opacity, and get them on the canvas. Before late you should have something useable. Now add a nice specularity, and it will look good.

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Jeah, true thing...therefor i'm watching tons of tutorials 'bout texturing and low polygon modeling atm. Just threw it in if he may be interested to finish it, i guess for a person experienced in texturing it would only take a few minutes or less...so i could deliver it to this guy that requestet this sword and i could put it on the Nexus as well for all the other guys here.


But np, can rest a few days as well and i finish it then...'cause i will wait for the CK and hope for some kind of preview mode so i don't have to restart the game after each change. Nifskope can't display specular/normal map and in C4D / Mudbox those maps always look good :(

Edited by ghosu
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Ok, after folowing some advice from another thread I've got the textures, normals and cubemaps working perfectly on your orignal mesh. I simply set the Num UV Sets to 4097 and added an alpha channel to the normal map (I essentially pasted the _m texture into the alpha). The result is a beautiful looking hammer.
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Good to hear :)


You just copied the diffuse into the normal alpha INSTEAD of a _m (specular) map or in addition?


And i just found the problem with all my textures and models and could solve it with the help of some nice guys here...the overhauled hammer will work muuuch better :) , there were so many errors in the first one.

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I like granreycero's suggestion but otherwise your hammer is spot on perfect. There's an inscription on the side of the hammer that some of the comics portray it having too, just a thought though (Stormbreaker next to it hint hint ;D)




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Well now that you mention that i just tried out if i can add something like that using a glow effect...would work.




Maybe even text if i find a way to add it using less polygons...maybe with some kind of map or just as inscription using a normal map.

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Allow us to throw it! and make the armor of Thor,too! Oh,that winged helmet! <3 - :D .. but hey think of it,you throw the hammer at an enemy,they stagger,and then a lightning bolt strikes their head,boom,all you find on the ground is a pile of ash. >;P
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Well done, at least this model was good for something ^^.


Does anyone know if there was some kind of mod for Oblivion that allowed moving weapon parts?

I'd like to have a bigger leather band attached to the hammer, the current one is small - even had to make it smaller since it is a static object, looks odd in movement.

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