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Fallout 4 replica in Skyrim possible?


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Hi there, i created some mods for fallout 4 and used both fo4edit and geck for it.

What i would like to know, as it is the same engine as skyrim in general, did anybody ever tried to import the weapons of fallout 4 into skyrim?

I love fallout4 and i would enjoy a funmod for skyrim to replay skyrim again, with all npcs using magic and fallout4 guns instead of swords and bows etc.
I mean, how much fun would it be?

Because i never modded skyrim, i would like to know if it is possible and ask if there is an interrest about.

If there are some skyrim modders who like the idea, we could make a little shortcut for some differences in skyrim and fallout modding and do some stuff together if you like.

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as far as I know , the engine doesn't seem to be too different , but I may be quite wrong

what you do need to keep in mind , is the fact that the different games use very different animations


look at the attempts to have guns in Skyrim

none of them actually behave like guns , and are usually just gun meshes with the staff animation


the best kind of combination I've seen is the crossbow mod for FO4 , which uses the animations of the laser musket


basically , the best you may really be able to do is port weapons from one game to the other (which you really shouldn't release with the original models , as that's copywritten material)

for anything like guns in Skyrim or bows\magic in FO4 , you will be going directly against the engine , so it won't be easy , if at all really possible


sorry , but the games just weren't meant to be mixed like this , and as far as I know it's a rather doomed cause

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With geck custom animations are possible. Shouldnt it be possible to use fo4 models and animations in skyrim?
Ok there is no reload of magazines etc.

Holding animations, models, effects and a spellsystem for shooting , leveld lists are mandatory.
More difficult questions are like, what needs to be done with the ai to make npcs use these custom weapons?
Whats with ammunition? But skyrim has bows, it should be possible.
I dont know how the spell system works. Is it possible to have a custom spell with custom animation and a weapon model instead of an effects particle system? Consuming 0 mana but ammo. This would be some trick doing, but maybe there are code fragments already included for weapons like guns.
How customaziable is the geck of skyrim? how is it called anyway?

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Skyrim has the Creation Kit , through which you can mod the game

as far as how easy some of those things will be , probably between pain in the back to impossible


as far as I know , no one has actually done something like this so far , but you should check to make sure

but if nothing like this was ever done , it may be for a good reason

still , good luck if you intend to try and attempt such a mod


also , as far as I know , custom animations work in FO4 , but I do believe Skyrim didn't have this feature , which is why we didn't see proper guns in Skyrim

maybe they've added such options in SE , but I highly doubt it

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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I know there is a mod which changes walking, crouching and weapon holding animations to make third person with skyrim more enjoyable.
Somehow the author was able to change the animation. I need to check it myself. I think it is possible but you could be right, will be pain i guess ^^

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I think you are mixing between two things


changing animations has been done in Skyrim all too many times

it's not the problem

I'm pretty sure you can't set custom animations in Skyrim

this means that you can change an animation type , but it will change it for anything that uses it


so maybe you can replace all bows with a new animation for rifles , and crossbows with animations for assault rifles

but that is all the animations you really have

also , really not sure how much you can even alter these animations

I would assume you could completely change these , so maybe you have the chance to add two weapon types

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