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Wanting feedback on retexture


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I have no prior experience with retexturing and was hoping to get some feedback, I wan't to hear what you think.

I am not fond of the default red/brown color so I changed that, at first I tried a more bloody red but it stuck out, a lot. So I simply desaturated it and played a bit with the texture in general.

It is just the Shrouded Cowl for now, the Dark Brotherhood hoodie for females (Male won't have the red/brown part that cover the mouth, unless you mod it)


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To be honest, the retextured hoodie looks worse than the original. Same happened to me with my first works so it isnt a big deal.

You need to take a look at the mesh in Nifskope and extract the UV map. Then you need to look for some textures at google, and check the Nifskope mesh as many times you need to get it done.

It is also highly recommended to learn about the specular and normal maps in Skyrim so you can make even better textures.

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I prefer my mouthpiece over the default, I just extracted the textures and made the change with Gimp. I like the desaturated mouthpiece and the new spots on it. As for the rest well I just didn't want to settle with the mouthpiece.


I will look up the terms you have provided as well as look up some Nifscope tutorials to see if it is for me. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to give directions, thank you.

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