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want to make custom body tattoo and scars for someone


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The wasteland has been harsh on you let your body be proof of that ..


  • gun shot wounds (variety
  • burns
  • scratches and cuts
  • some scars from the facial reconstructive surgery
  • tattoo's , online , or ones you find on nexus with mod authors permission ( as long as the ink turns out perfect I wont give you anything that will look grainy or awful )
  • you will need to have a unique body
  • absolutely risk free
  • will cost 100 caps but ill negotiate to free ... :tongue:

In reality im a tattoo enthusiast and artist and its a hard business to get into when your not of the male persuasion , so i do this for fun especially when I see so many people asking real modders to do special orders which takes up to much time for the modders when they have bigger things to do .


just leave a comment or PM me , let me know what you want and where :smile:


of course this wont be an instant job I do have a life and family but it'll never take longer than a few days max. few hours min . after im done ill upload 'em on my account and you download them . just my little way of giving back to all you great modders and ink lovers .


PS : not interested in being popular or anything prestigious I just honestly love doing it <3

Edited by luicianshepard
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Struggling to understand what you're saying here exactly. Am I right in thinking that you're offering to basically make texture designs (not the actual textures themselves, but the images people could use to MAKE textures) for characters in the game?


If so, you could make this a 'modders resource' and upload it to Nexus, allowing modders interested to easily access your designs to incorporate into their mods (crediting you for the tattoo art, of course).

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