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new wood elf powers


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im looking for a mod that improves the wood elf special abilities. im not so concerned with the starting skills, but i find the control animal power is useless, and therefore i see no reason to play the race, beyond having a minute starter advantage to archery. the resistances are ok but still not really that game improving.


ive been searching for a mod that looks into this, if such exists, can you link it here please?



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even if it were some kind of permanent animal charm, or radius of auto animal charm. something to assist more situationally. 60 seconds of charming a beast only comes in handy when running from a sabrecat, and even then only when you send it in to fight a giant.



i think an archery ability would actually be best. just something general that capitolizes on the intended role of the race. some similar to the orcish rage, but with increase damage and shoot speed, instead of half damage intake.

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even if it were some kind of permanent animal charm, or radius of auto animal charm. something to assist more situationally. 60 seconds of charming a beast only comes in handy when running from a sabrecat, and even then only when you send it in to fight a giant.



i think an archery ability would actually be best. just something general that capitolizes on the intended role of the race. some similar to the orcish rage, but with increase damage and shoot speed, instead of half damage intake.


So... How about a permanent increased speed of drawing the bow? What would be satisfactory? 10%, 20%, 100% increase? Should it be just under the initial quick shot perk of 30% to continue to make those viable? I have that done...




Let me know what you want.


Tweaks Done:

Elven Quickshot provides a 20% increase in draw bow speed so it doesn't negate/compete with the 30% perk

Elven Overdraw effect for a 10% increase in damage when using a bow.

Increased Duration of Command Animal to 1 hour.

Elven Eagle Eye - Provides a zoom on the bow when holding block, but not as zoomed in as initial "Eagle Eye" perk

Elven Steady Hands - Provides a slow down of time by 15%, again not to overtake the "Steady Hand" perk which provides a 25% slowdown


Tell me what kind of tweaks you'd like to make and I'll see if I can make it happen.


Essentially with these changes, the Elven Race will start out with a much better start on Bow usage but most of the new perks will really be lost as you level your Archery skill and take on additional perks. However, the increased damage I think should STACK.


Finally, you can get the mod here: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6769.



Edited by MofoMojo
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