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Check what mods affect a certain cell?


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I'm using Better Cities, and quite frankly, Bruma is messed up. Fragments of vanilla walls are still where they were, clipping with new buildings added by BC, land tears and so on. FormID finder is of no help, since I can't find any other object being placed near the messed up areas.

I have no idea what other mod could be modifying Bruma, except Heart of the Dead which seemingly only adds a bedroll next to Olav's Tap and Tack.


So, I'd like to find out if it's possible in the Construction Kit or whatever which other mods could be messing around with the Bruma cell. I'm open for other solutions as well if there are any.


Thank you for your time!

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If the issues are in the closed Bruma worldspace, then you could try loading your whole load order in TES4Edit, opening Oblivion.esm and navigating to the Bruma worldspace that should be listed somewhere under the worldspace category. That is, in the left side tree. Selecting the worldspace record in the tree should list the mods that modify it (one way or another) on the right side panel, with the leftmost one being the first one to introduce the record (Oblivion.esm for the Bruma worldspace) and the last one to the right the last one to edit it. The same applies to all records from weapons to spells to weathers to NPCs. For any items added to the worldspace, though, you might need to go through each mod that edits the worldspace (or a specific cell in the worldspace) in the left side tree and check the added items for each one separately (they would be listed under the worlspace record in the mod that adds them and not in other mods unless the other mods edit the items added).


If you use Open Cities Reborn or something similar (probably not, with Better Cities and all that...) then the cities would be found in the Tamriel worldspace in some random cells around the worldspace and the first mod to check would be Open Cities Reborn.esp instead of Oblivion.esm. If someone reads this and their open cities are a mess.


Hopefully that helps a bit (and makes some sense). :thumbsup:


Edit: If I remember correctly, landscape shape is listed in the cell record itself (under the worldspace in which the cell is located - not in the interior cell category) for each cell. Not under it as an item (like placed objects), but in the cell record itself.

Edited by Contrathetix
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Great! Well. Great to hear you got it all fixed, not the missing patch part. :tongue: To add to that, you solved it all on your own, and when you asked about it, you asked for a way to find the issue instead of posting your whole load order here and asking "how to fix this?". If something is great, then that is.


Good luck with your modding endeavours! :thumbsup:


Edit: Oh and no problem, happy to help.

Edited by Contrathetix
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