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req/idea: creatures for Skyrim


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Here are some creatures I'd love to see added to Skyrim:



Two Headed Rocs - really big ugly birds with two heads

Newts - collect for their eyes for use in alchemy

Cyclops - giants with one eye


Centaurs - intelligent and maybe rideable

Trapdoor Spiders - with popup trap mechanic

Whales - huge baleen for color, orcas as Horker predators

Pegasus - rideable flying horses

Hogs/Boars - small domestic ones at farms, big aggressive ones in the wild


Sirens - need voice work to give them a hypnotizing song

Wyverns - smaller unintelligent dragon like creatures with a poisoned barb on the end of their tail and no breath weapon

Nymphs or Sylphs

Mantacores - with barb throwing tail



Other suggestions welcome!

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Here are some creatures I'd love to see added to Skyrim:



Wyverns - smaller unintelligent dragon like creatures with a poisoned barb on the end of their tail and no breath weapon



Other suggestions welcome!


i think you have yet to play the game... seriously wyverns already in the game...

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Here are some creatures I'd love to see added to Skyrim:



Wyverns - smaller unintelligent dragon like creatures with a poisoned barb on the end of their tail and no breath weapon



Other suggestions welcome!


i think you have yet to play the game... seriously wyverns already in the game...



I have; I didn't see anything like a Wyvern, just lots of dragons. Where did you find the Wyv?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are some creatures I'd love to see added to Skyrim:



Wyverns - smaller unintelligent dragon like creatures with a poisoned barb on the end of their tail and no breath weapon



Other suggestions welcome!


i think you have yet to play the game... seriously wyverns already in the game...



I have; I didn't see anything like a Wyvern, just lots of dragons. Where did you find the Wyv?


Commonly suggested: wyverns are a type of dragon (or at times dragonlike creatures) (it is also called 'wurm, worm, wyrm')

I go with them being a subspecies of dragons and Wyverns having two feet and two wings...

Dragons being snakelike creatures with no, 2, 4... legs with or without multiple wings...






In my opinion races have four categories they fit in be it humanoid (inhabiter of the natural world), daemon (dwellers of darkness), animae (humanlike animals, like argonians, khajit, angels,...) or sprites (Spirits of other planes/dimensions; like all types of faerie, ents, dragons,... )

(differentiated by the attributes, appearance, weaknesses and strengths in the planes of X (x here 'skyrim') as well as their origin...)

Edited by Aokami
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maybe for a starter, i want to see lesser or superior from species that dwells on skyrim...for example,if you look closely on the troll's head,there's a hint of horns...i thought,why not make them longer on their subspecies for a starter...or maybe add spikes for a higher ranks...


ooohh and i totally agree with @Aokami with the idea of 4 legged dragons...

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Giant Skeletons - huge skeletons with two handed swords.

Giant Draugrs - huge Draugrs with full armor, shield and deadly two handed axes in one hand.

Female Giants - same as the normal giants, but female. Just a different visual.

Two-headed Giants - similar to the normal ones, but much stronger and vicious.

Giant Trolls - huge trolls, 5 times harder.

Two-headed Trolls - normal trolls with two heads, 2 times harder and regenerates 10 times faster.

Falmer Rider - A Falmer riding a Giant Chaurus

Web-trapping Spiders - a giant spider that traps with web, like paralyze spell (you need to keep attacking to be released). This is so obvious i found it stupid that it never appeared in the regular game.

Barbarian Nord - barbarians riding War Mammoths... pretty hardcore. Could be a type of Forsworn.

Edited by camarada78
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