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How do you deal with enemy scaling?


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Looking through various overhauls for enemy scaling, it seems none are really for me. They add a lot of item that I do not necessarily want or hand place enemies in specific places and make you have to follow a set road or get killed.


For example I remember using Francesco in the past but giving up after about 10 or so hours of constant running away from enemies that were way over my level.


Some others seem to simply randomize encounter, which is just as bad in my opinion. The closest to what I was looking for was a mod that changed the enemy list so that bandit stopped scaling at a certain point while making low-level enemies spawn regardless of player level. But that mod also affected loot and seems to make it nigh-impossible to get anything over chain/steel.


I had this idea of using Francesco with a mod that makes the player take more damage, which would in a way let me control my own sponginess and the enemies' sponginess with two "different" sliders in a way (one being the mod, the other the in-game slider). I have no idea what the results would be though so I'm curious if anyone uses a similar setup.


Or, if not similar, I'm curious how some of you are dealing with the whole thing. Especially if the end-result is something that doesn't necessarily changes the whole game as much as just fixing the problem. If it helps, I usually play as an Archer that uses stealth at first and defaults to melee when the enemies are too close.

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