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Strange ENB error


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Hello guys,


First of all, I'm sorry if the fix for this is already out there. I haven't found it.

To put it shortly, enabling the ENB(namely AmbientOcclusion and SubSurfaceSomething) makes my game look great and the textures on my character work, but some NPCs don't have eyes. Oh, and the water and fire won't show.(first image with letterbox)

Disabling the ENB(or just AmbientOcclusion and SubSurfaceSomething) makes all the NPCs have eyes and the water+fire to show, BUT, as you can see in the second image, makes my character's body texture go kaputz.


Now, of course the first option is a little bit more playable, but I'd like to know if there is a way to both have a body texture and for my followers to have eyes.


Thank you








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I use Rudy ENB 3.0.b (305) for Vanilla. I have disabled the game's AA, but I don't recall the game having AO or SMAA on its own. Checked the inis from my documents, but no Ambient Occlusion there.


If there is a point in saying this, my rig has a i7 6700HQ, 8GB RAM and GTX 950M. But, again, the biggest problem appears when AO and SSS are disabled, not when they're enabled


EDIT: funny thing, though, is that if I remove all of the ENB's files(or at least I think I got them all), that all white body problem persists. So why do my textures need AO and SSS to work?


I currently use SG's texture renewal, but the problem was the same with Mature skin

Edited by coolyesjbk
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